Thursday, August 13, 2020

Choosing To Take Control

You can choose to take control of every circumstance. In every circumstance, you can choose the terminal or you can choose the eternal. In every circumstance, you can choose the body or you can choose the heart, soul, and spirit. In every circumstance, you can choose death or you can choose life. In every circumstance, you can choose to not want control or you can choose to want control In every circumstance, you can choose to look at the circumstance as if there is nothing you can do or you can choose to look at the circumstance as if there is everything you can do In every circumstance, you can choose denial or you can choose recognition of the facts. In every circumstance, you can choose to let fear run rampant or you can choose courage to act despite the fear. In every circumstance, you can choose the prison of fear or you can seek the freedom of confidence, security, and peace. In every circumstance, you can choose the prison of death or you can choose the freedom of eternal life. In every circumstance, you can choose the prison of illness and disease or you can choose the freedom of pursuing health and wellness. In every circumstance, you can choose to be overwhelmed by panic or you can choose to be overwhelmed by the love of God. In every circumstance, you can choose to feel as if no one understands or you can choose to feel as if people do understand. In every circumstance, you can choose to live isolated from life and hope or you can choose to live life connected to life and hope. In every circumstance, you can choose to look down or you can choose to lookup. In every circumstance, you can choose to sit in the darkness or you can choose to sit in the Light.

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