Monday, September 30, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Reaching Out

Reaching out to others requires we not be too comfortable. Today, many Christians are too often in a spiritual place of not wanting to grow. We are content with where we are. We are content to put our own wants and needs before anyone else. Today, in our faith, perhaps we do not have the passion to grow. Unfortunately, today, in the bone and marrow of our service to Christ, we are content. Unfortunately, today, in our faith, perhaps we feel we are big enough and we don't care to be bigger. Unfortunately, today, we are satisfied. We are happy. We are fat. We are lazy. We are rich. Everything is OK. Nothing is really wrong. Unfortunately, today, everything is peachy keen and we have little passion. In the faith, we are too often consumed with ourselves, and with our own little problems. For many of us who are capable of reaching out, reaching out is OK. However, reaching out is just too risky, so we don't reach out. In faith, we want to be kept. We want to be secure. In faith, we want to be tended to. We do not want to be uncomfortable, uneasy, or nervous. We do not want to take risks. We are like fish in an aquarium, where all of our needs, wants, and desires are met. Paul Harvey noted, "Too many Christians are no longer fishers of men but keepers of the aquarium."

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope


John Henry Jowett, prominent preacher of two or three generations ago, served as pastor of distinguished churches both in England and America. He used to tell of a stormy evening when he was entertained in the home of an English countryman. Sometime after nightfall, the hour came for him to leave, to catch his train back to the city. As he arose to go, his farmer host walked with him to the front gate. There the farmer gave him a lighted lantern, pointed to a light in the distance, and said, "Yonder light is Saddleworth Station; make for that. The lantern will keep you from falling into the ditch; but keep your eye on the glimmer in the distance." In the daily walk of our life, sometimes in darkness or storm, we have to give a lot of attention to staying out of the ditch. We need to use the light, God's Word, to keep from falling in. But there is something more. If we look carefully, in the distance we can see a glimmer. This is important; for the glimmer is the high goal, the object of the long quest, the Light that directs the course of our journey to heaven. Friend, may you go from here today with a light for your next footsteps. But this alone is not enough: Never take your eyes off the glimmer that is in the distance.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Giving Hope Is Showing The Power Of God

You may be the person who points up into the twinkling starlit sky and helps another person try to see the infinite found only in God. Giving hope is showing honesty when honesty hurts the giver. You may be the person, who through an act of painful honesty, shows another person the power and dynamic force of being honest with themselves, with others, and with God. Giving hope is showing the power of self-control and self-denial. You may be the person who lets others know of your temptations and trials but through the help of Christ, you are able to maintain your self-control and are able to deny yourself. Giving hope is showing growth is possible in spite of the momentum of stagnation. You may be the person who shows another person that starting over at any age brings glory to God. Giving hope is showing that always doing the right thing is beneficial. You may be the person who shows how powerful righteousness can be and how destructive unrighteousness can be to a person and to a family. Giving hope is showing humility can come from placing our burdens, cares, and worries in the hands of the Savior.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Power to Move Forward

No one's present circumstances should define their future. Likewise, no one's past circumstances should determine their future. God gave you the ability to move beyond your past and present circumstances. God gave you the ability to move forward and make progress in your life. No circumstance in life can keep you down or imprison you without your consenting to be kept down or imprisoned. We have many limitations. We have the many physical limitations of our body, of our sinful nature, of our self-defeating ideas. However, the human spirit, when aligned with God's will, has the ability to rise above any limitation. Our wonderful imaginations given to us by God give us the ability to see what is unseen. Incredibly, we are all capable of turning what we imagine into reality. Even someone who cannot move about in the physical world can move about in God's kingdom. Even someone who cannot move about in the physical realms can soar into the utmost reaches of Heaven. Even someone who is imprisoned in the body can reach out and touch the face of God.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Multiplying Your Courage

We are often afraid. We are often afraid of losing our loved ones, losing our life, losing our possessions, losing our job, losing our income, losing our friends, and losing the parts of our life-giving our life meaning. However, we can possess a part of life we cannot lose. We can all possess Christ and His love. Christ and His love can never be taken from us. The martyrs who faced torture and death were perhaps afraid in the physical sense. However, the martyrs all had courage in Christ. For in Christ our courage is multiplied because we have someone who will never leave us. In Christ, we have someone we will never lose. In Christ, we can find every bit of courage we will ever need. In Christ, no matter what happens to us, we will always have Him. In addition, He will always have us. When we are afraid of things in this world, our faith is multiplied when we know Christ is beside us. In our fear, our faith is multiplied because we know Christ will walk with us until we see Him face to face in His world in Heaven.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Coffee And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Attempts Required

No matter what we do in life, we must quickly learn we will need to make many attempts to be successful. When you first learn to type, your fingers hit the wrong keys on a continual basis until you learn where the keys are located on the keyboard. When you learn to walk as a baby, you fall down a lot. No matter what we do in life, we must prepare ourselves emotionally and intellectually to make many attempts. There are a few people who seem to have a golden touch when it comes to achieving. However, even for them, long-lasting success is gained only by repeatedly trying, failing, and trying again. For nearly every person, to achieve and be successful requires repeated attempts. When someone expects to succeed on the first try at any task, they will soon be disappointed. Professional persons spend long hours honing and practicing their craft. In the long hours of practice, there are repeated mistakes or failures. There are repeated attempts at success. We must remember success in any area of life does not come easy. Most often the difficulties we face in achieving more in life can be dealt with successfully if we learn to keep going and keep repeating our attempts.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Carrying The Light

There are some people who carry the light of God to the world. The world is a dark place. All Christians ought to carry this light. For reasons we do not understand, many non-Christians carry the light of God. Christians do not understand or like this mystery for if it was up to most Christians, only Christians would be the ones to carry the Light of God. An example of this mystery is Magic Johnson. Magic Johnson carries the light in a world full of greed, avarice, lust, and selfishness. Magic Johnson is not what you would expect a person who does not publicly profess faith in Christ to be. Magic Johnson, just recently inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame, is a giving person. His player statistics show him to be a person who cares more about others than he does about himself. Magic Johnson is a man of courage and compassion. Certainly, in his case and in the case of other people, carrying the light of life or light of God is more a matter of the kind of person you are. When you are a person with the light of God within your inner core, carrying the light is a matter of how you act, and actions are nearly always determined by who you are on the inside.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Time To Grow Up

It is time to grow up spiritually and mature, for all of us have room to grow spiritually. For all of us, it is time to get off the baby bottle. In growing spiritually, there is good news and there is bad news. The bad news is you may live your life on this earth and always be poor, sick, downtrodden, meek, humble, and a failure in the eyes of the world. The good news is that in the eyes of Christ, you can be poor, sick, downtrodden, meek, humble, and a failure in the eyes of the world and still be His most important lamb on earth. The good news is that no matter what the exterior appearances of your life might be like, God's presence changes everything in your life from the inside out. No matter how your life appears on the outside, you can still be full of the love of God. No matter how things appear to others, you can still be happy, fulfilled, and overflowing with joy. The sufferings of life may take away some of the joy for the moment, but God's eternal joy remains. The poverty of life may grind you down for the moment, but the eternal wealth of God's love remains forever and ever. The devastation put upon you by Satan may empty your heart for the moment, but the fulfilling love of Christ fills your heart for eternity.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why We Are In The Mess We Are In

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Faith For Patience Right Now

You need a lot of patience and you need it now! You need your patience right now and you want it right now and you don’t want to wait! You don’t think you can wait any longer so you need Christ to deliver patience without your having to wait! Does Christ deliver? Does Christ do take-outs? Of course, these words are a little goofy. However, when things have gotten as tough as they are now, sometimes you have to be a little goofy to deal with today's circumstances. Christ knows you. Christ knows you through and through. In Christ's love and grace, He will help you be a little more patient. In Christ's love and grace, He will help you wait. While you are waiting, Christ will help you be in a spirit of worship, prayer, and praise. Praise His name for always listening to your heart and soul. When you tell the truth of truths, you don’t need patience delivered immediately. You know in your heart you can wait, even when you do not want to wait.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

How Jesus Makes You New

British businessman Lindsay Clegg told a story about a London warehouse property he was selling. The building had been empty for months, and vandals had badly damaged the doors, smashed the windows, and thrown trash all over the interior.
As Clegg showed the property to a prospective buyer, he repeated incessantly that he would have the structure repaired. “Don’t worry about the repairs,” the buyer told him. “When I buy this place, I’m tearing down the building and constructing something completely new. I don’t want the building; I want the site.”
When we come to Christ, we’re much like that lot with an old warehouse on it. Because of our sin, we’re in a dire spiritual condition. And often our temptation is to make all the right repairs before we give ourselves over to God by placing our faith in Christ.
But the truth is, God doesn’t want our repairs. He wants our site. He wants to take us just as we are and build something completely new. So don’t feel like you have to clean yourself up to come to God. Instead, trust in Jesus to make you new!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Thinking Ahead

The human race is unique because we can plan and think ahead. We can dream, envision, and formulate goals for the future. We can see in our mind's eye a picture of what does not exist in the present moment. What a wonderful gift God has given us in the form of being able to think ahead. When we think ahead, we can see or project consequences about our actions. When we think ahead, we can make predictions about what will happen to us if we do certain things. Not only can we think ahead, but we can also act on our thoughts, dreams, and formulations we have in our mind. If we look at the world and understand the shape in which the world finds itself today, we must question whether enough people in the world, thought ahead. Everything we think has a consequence. When we think thoughts of doing hateful and evil things in the future then violence and war is the result. When we think thoughts of love and kindness, then peace reigns within us and in the world.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Forced Miracles

It may or may not be the Lord's will to see the kind of miracles today talked about in the book of Acts. It may not be the Lord's will because people would perhaps get so caught up in the miracles people would forget about all the other truly important things of spiritual and physical importance. Some people who want a display of dramatic miracles are starving for excitement and these people want excitement from their faith. Too many times and in too many ways some people want their faith to be a source of showbiz excitement. We cannot force God to do miracles any more than we can force God to do any other thing we want to be done. The miracles of God are done according to His appointed time, place, circumstance, and will. The greatest miracles of God are not forced from Him. However, miracles are given by Him only as an act of His love and grace. What causes His love and grace to flow most often is our willingness to break our backs in humility and service before Him. We need never be demanding a showbiz kind of performance from Him.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

No Power

We have no power over death. We cannot change it. It happens to everyone. Death is the great leveler of human lives. Every human will face an end. If we look at death only in a secular way, death is a terrible tragedy for the person who dies as well as for the friends and loved ones of the deceased. However, we can look at death not just in a secular way but in a spiritual way. When we look at death in a spiritual way, death for the deceased can be the beginning of a life full of incredible happiness, wonderful joy, and indescribable bliss without end. When we look at death in a spiritual way, death for the deceased is the wonderful progression from the pain, worry, and suffering of this life. What happens to our spirit after we die depends upon who we are and whom we accept into our lives, while we are living. When we accept Christ into our life, He is the door through which we access Heaven.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Following God's Directions

In the middle of shopping, wrapping, parties, and celebrations at Christmas, you can forget about having "God with us." What is so dramatic about the story is that God did become "with us" as a human being. Before Jesus’ birth, God was remote from mankind. God was in heaven and interacted with mankind but not as a human being. God was unseen, remote, and for the most part silent. When Jesus came into the world, God was interacting with all of us on a human to human level. God chose Joseph to be a human model to be Jesus’ father. In this verse, we can see not only that Joseph was righteous in his heart, but Joseph was also willing and able to do exactly what God wanted to be done. We don’t know much about Joseph from the scripture accounts, but what we do know is more than enough to tell us about Joseph’s character and willingness to lead his life as God directed. We also know Joseph was a man who loved Mary. Let all of us strive to be like Joseph before our Savior and always strive to follow His direction in our lives.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

God’s Grace

When you need God’s grace the most, God will bless you with a special, dynamic grace to get you through. Elisabeth Elliot experienced the deaths of her first two husbands. She says, “I think that the reason I did not cry at Jim or Ad’s funeral was that God gives the grace to help in time of need. Everybody else at those funeral services was just dissolved in tears. I can honestly say that I really did not feel like crying; I was just so swept away with the glory of the fact that my husbands were with the Lord. "I think God gives special grace at times like these to people who need it the most.” As a Christian, God’s grace protects you and sustains you in so many ways, even when you are not aware of it. Humans are limited in perception and understanding, but God’s grace is infinite. Believe that God’s grace is being poured out for you today, and if you need specific grace, ask Him for it. Through Jesus, you can find something to rejoice about even in your suffering. “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Can I Know God’s Plan For My Life

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Guarding Your Tongue

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Everyone uses words to communicate. Some of us love to use words, but what words are we going to use? Every day we can use words to give others life. We can use words to give others hope. We can use words to give others joy. We can use words to tell others how much we love them. We can use words to tell others we accept them and we forgive them. Our world is filled with words of death, hatred, ego, greed, and lust. We must use Christ's words of light to counter the words of darkness filling up our world.
The words we send out come back to us. The words we send out can store up treasures for us in heaven or dig our grave so deep down our grave descends into the pits of Satan's hell. What we send out in words has consequences for others and for ourselves…eternal consequences for others and for ourselves. What kind of words will you send out today and in the days to come?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Power To Control

We all want power. We all want to be able to control the events in our life. Realistically, there are some parts of our life we cannot control. Our power over the events in our life is determined not so much when we control the events in our life but when we control ourselves. We cannot exchange our life for another person. To change all of who we are we need to be able to do the impossible. We need to be able to make an exchange of who we are now with a new person. However, with God, all things are possible. In a most personal way, in a way applicable to you, the new person you can become is the person God has always wanted you to be. To make this exchange, or to completely change yourself, you have to see Jesus and see the love in His eyes for you. Everyone needs love. No person on earth can escape the need for love. Even the evilest of persons need love. The evilest persons are the persons who need love the most. In His eyes, as you repent of your sins, you become a new person because of Him and through Him.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Coffee☕️And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Something Better.

A visiting Pastor was attending a men's breakfast in a Mississippi Farm County. He asked one of the impressive older farmers in attendance to say grace that morning. After all, were seated, the older farmer began------"Lord, I hate buttermilk. The Pastor opened one eye and wondered to himself where this was going. Then the farmer loudly proclaimed, "Lord, I hate lard." Now the Pastor was worried. However, without missing a beat, the farmer prayed on, "And Lord, you know I don't care much for raw white flour." Just as the Pastor was ready to stand and stop everything, the farmer continued, "But Lord, when you mix 'em all together and bake 'em up, I do love fresh biscuits. So, Lord, when things come up we don't like, when life gets hard, when we just don't understand what you are sayin' to us, we just need to relax and wait 'till You are done mixin', and probably it will be somethin' even better than biscuits.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Coffee☕️And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Quietness for A Troubled Soul

The fear of pain is often worse than the pain itself. The fear of future pain often aggravates the present pain and makes the present pain even worse. Fear makes us tense. Fear disables our immune system. Fear activates our body to run when running may not be necessary. To conquer your fear, place your fear in the palm of God's hand. To conquer your fear, place what makes you afraid in the palm of God's hand. By making these overt acts of placing your pain in God's hands, you begin to take charge of your pain instead of letting your pain take charge of you. To conquer your fear, identify the fear and summon the courage. Learn from your recent minutes in the past you can face your pain. Remember you have faced your pain just a few minutes ago and you are now like you have always been. Because you have faced your pain in the past and remained like you have always been, you can find the courage to face your pain again and again and again without fear.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

Never Forget?

We say we will never forget 9-11-2001 but look at the condition our nation is in now. No airplanes are hitting anything but it appears we are crumbling at our very foundation. When this tragedy came about in 2001 it brought unity to this Nation that is indescribable. Some may be asking why and the answer is simple. It caused this Nation once again to call out to God. Sad to say but will it take another tragedy to bring us back together? I certainly hope we never have to face another tragedy like 911.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles Chapter 7:14)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray Of Hope

What Jesus Can Do

If you pray for something outside of yourself like more money, or a new job, or a material thing, Jesus is not going to float it down to you. What Jesus can do is put His love in your heart and give you the power and energy to do His will in your life. What Jesus can do is burn holes in your conscience so your wants and needs for money, career, and material things become less important. Jesus can fill you with His love and grace so you can pass on His love and grace to others in your life. Given enough passing on of His power by you to others, other people may be able to help you achieve what you want to achieve but only if He wills other people to help you. Jesus supplies the power. You supply the sweat. Jesus answers prayer according to His will, not according to our will or according to our wants and needs. Jesus answers prayer according to what He wants in our life not according to what we want. You may work to get what you want in life but what you want in life and what you finally get may not be what God wants for you. Most of us go to God wanting Him to fix things in our life. God supplies the love we supply the muscle and action helping us fix things the hard way by working on our issues day by day and week by week. Over time, with patience and faith in His divine will and mercy, our issues, our wants, and our needs all get resolved. Eventually, when we live with Christ in our heart, all our earthly wants, needs, issues, and problems get washed away as we sail home to see Him face to face.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation

Battling In Prayer

We all have egos. We all have our inner voice in us screaming out, "I", "me", and "mine". When we pray, we must pray for a diminished ego before God. When you are consumed by your own worries and consumed by your own problems, then prayer becomes all about you instead of all about others, all about Christ, and doing what God wants you to do. In these times when you are consumed with your own life, your mission is to pray in an unselfish way. You are to pray even when you cannot pray in the abandonment of your ego. At any time, when you cannot pray, you are to pray anyway. When you are not in the mood to pray, when you are too sick to pray, when you have lost touch with God, pray anyway. God knows what you are going through and He also hears you whether you think He hears you or not. One of the difficult things to do when you don't want to pray is to pray. No matter what the circumstances might be, you are to pray. Even if it seems like you are just going through the motions, go through the motions anyway. The Lord hears you and He is near to you even when you are not near to Him. Hard to believe, but God is more glorified by those who struggle for Him than those who find it easy to always do godly things.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation

How We Should Pray

We should pray up rather than calling God down. We do not need to call God down because God knows our needs before we ask. When we pray, our spirit is to be directed upward rather than downward. When we pray upward, whatever problems, needs, and issues we face in the here and now can be left in the here and now. When we pray upward, we do not need to ask God to work on what we face each day. Instead, when we pray upward, we let our spirit soar upward to God rather than asking or seeking for God to come down to us. Praying is a matter of taking our spirit and going home to be with our Father in Heaven while we are alive upon the earth. Once we go home to be with Christ in prayer, then we can sit and talk to Him about what we face each day. What is most important we be willing to go to where God is rather than asking God to come to be where we are. When we pray up for others we cast the needs of others up to God. We take their needs and send their needs upward in prayer so God can work on the needs of others and do miraculous work in their life.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray 🔥Of Hope

God Has Given You Direction

What talents and traits have God given you? Most people have some idea of their talents and traits. The talents and traits God has given you can be an indicator of His will for your life. Your talents and traits are pointers you can use to measure your hopes and dreams against God's will. If you are great in math and accounting, God may need you to use your math ability to fulfill His will for your life. If you are mechanically inclined then work or service in a mechanical field may be God's will for you. God's will is like the wind. You can either go with the wind or go against the wind. Walking is easier with the wind at your back. Likewise pursuing hopes and dreams using your native talents and traits is easier than pursuing hopes and dreams requiring you to use talents and traits you do not have.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray⚡️Of Hope

Never, Ever, Give Up

To reach any goal you must try again, and again, and again, and you must never give up. To never ever give up you need power. You can choose an infinite power or you can choose a finite or limited power. In any pursuit in life, you have a choice about which kind of power you use to keep going so you never ever give up. The limited evil power does not want you to win. The limited evil power wants you to give up. The limited evil power wants you to live in defeat and darkness. The limited evil power wants you to fail and fail miserably. God is the infinite power of the universe. To keep going so you never ever give up, you need an infinite power. God is infinite power. God wants you to never ever give up so you can claim a resounding victory with Him against the limited evil power.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray⚡️Of Hope

When You Talk To God

When you talk to God, you ought to tell Him everything all. Even the bad things you think you can't say to Him should be told to Him. When you talk to Him, tell Him you love Him, and then tell Him the hard-to-speak-about-things first. Recall how He understands and He knows about difficult life is for you. When you pray, instead of praying for big things, perhaps God is more interested in giving you small things first. When we pray, we often ask for miles of progress when God may be more interested in our making progress in inches rather than miles. When you pray, remember believing must come before praying. One of the most important ingredients in prayer is believing God hears you and He will answer according to His will rather than your own. Believing you will get what you want is not what we call believing in prayer. We must remember when we pray we must pray God delivers to us what is first in His will and not what is first in our will.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Your Destiny

Your destiny in life may not be a specific street address. Your destiny in life may not have anything to do with being in a specific place at a specific time. Your destiny in life is more general than being in a specific place at a specific time and also more difficult. It is generally easy to be at a specific address at a specific time. It is a great deal more difficult to fulfill your destiny in spiritual terms. Your destiny from the time you are conceived until you leave your earthly body is to be a child of God. We do not always want to fulfill our earthly destiny because being at our address is so much easier than being a child of God.  To be a child of God is a great deal more difficult because to be a child of God we must renounce part of our humanity. To be a child of God we must turn away from the part of our life that makes us a sinner and turn to God. It is easier to arrive at our address than it is to reject our sinful self. It is because our destiny is to reject part of our sinful self and be children of God, that to reach our destiny in life we must kneel at the foot of the cross of Christ.  His cross is the ultimate address at which we are supposed to arrive. His cross is the ultimate address at which we are to live out our life.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Coffee☕️And Conversation A Ray🔥Of Hope #arayofhope

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray⚡️Of Hope

Does God See Me Or Know I Exist?

Our God is a forgiving God and He wants to forgive each of us. God does not want to hand out a punishment to us in the form of suffering. Our God is a God who loves us. When we pray, we can feel and experience His love and forgiveness inside ourselves. God is inside of you and has been in your life from the very beginning, no matter how bad the suffering might be in your life at the present time. In suffering, we have a great battle in being responsive to God because our suffering separates us from God. God is a personal God who wants to be alive inside of you all of your life. However, suffering comes between us and God. In suffering, God is not impersonal or far away, even if our suffering makes us think He is far away. God is not impersonal because He knows your name. God knows every nuance of suffering you endure. God loves you even if in your suffering you doubt Him and turn away from Him. How can this be? Is this not the greatest wonder of all time? This wonder of how God could love us in spite of us, that He would love us even when we turn away from Him or turn against Him? God does not condemn us to darkness and suffering. He wants us out of the darkness. He does not punish us with the darkness. He wants us out of the darkness and into the Light. The darkness is a fact, but darkness in life is not an act of God. If you will let Him, God can use your darkness in powerful ways to help you. God can if you let Him, use your darkness to inspire you to turn to Him and to His Light. If you will let Him, God can use your darkness to change your life and to give you a place in eternity.

Monday, September 2, 2019

God Has Given You Direction

What talents and traits has God given you? Most people have some idea of their talents and traits. The talents and traits God has given you can be an indicator of His will for your life. Your talents and traits are pointers you can use to measure your hopes and dreams against God's will. If you are great in math and accounting, God may need you to use your math ability to fulfill His will for your life. If you are mechanically inclined then work or service in a mechanical field may be God's will for you. God's will is like the wind. You can either go with the wind or go against the wind. Walking is easier with the wind at your back. Likewise, it is easier to pursue hopes and dreams using your native talents and traits than to pursue hopes and dreams requiring you to use talents and traits you do not have.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Peace In The Midst Of The Storm Text—Matthew 8:23-27

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation A Ray💥Of Hope

Growing Each Day

Our life can get so full of daily activities we forget we are supposed to grow, mature, and develop each day. As we get older, we often look forward to “retirement”. For many people, retirement from a career or a life pursuit means forgetting entirely about growing and getting better each day. God’s will is for you to grow each day. God will always smile upon those people who seek to grow in His wisdom, love, and grace. Too often, we think just surviving on a daily basis counts as a period of growth. However, if we do not intend to grow and get better we can stagnate. If we do not take active steps to grow and get better each day, we can remain in this stagnating state until we die. Every day you can grow in God’s wisdom, love, and grace. Every day you can read, pursue, inquire, ask, seek, knock, question, investigate, learn, add new skills, communicate more, pray more, and meditate more. Age must never be an excuse for not growing. Age must never be a barrier to growing. The mind is a terrible thing to waste at any age. God is not glorified when we refuse to use our gift of thought to grow. God is glorified when we choose to plan, reason, and think ahead in His name and for His work each day.