Monday, May 31, 2021

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ A Memorial Day Message Psalm 121


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC, Adel Remember The Sacrifice Text Psalm 34 Verse 18


What Is Right And Wrong?

Isaiah 5:20--- Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

We have been desensitized to the gruesome ideas of abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and scientific experimentation. As a result, we no longer treasure life. We consider life to be expendable unless, of course, it is our own. Many dark forces in the world come against us to convince us life is not worth living. Many forces in the world come against us, hoping we will cave in and give up our Christian Faith. However, we have a power of Light, Love, and redeeming glory within us called the Holy Spirit. May we always depend on the Spirit of the Living God to carry us through these dark times when people want to make what is wrong right and what is right wrong.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

5/30 Memorial Day Every Day Is Memorial Day To The Christian Text 1st Timothy 3:16


Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Seeking Forgiveness Text Matthew 5 Verses 23 and 24


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC, Adel We Need An Awakening Text Romans 13 Verse 11


A Permanent Fix

Psalm 9:9-10--- The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

In our lives, problems, adversities, and challenges often seem never to end. But, in many cases, we can adjust to and work around our troubles. We can even get a cure for what ails us in our life. We could even get a prescription for what ails everyone in the world. What would change if the world's problems suddenly went away, would there be no more war? Would there be no more poverty, or would poverty reappear? Would there be no more pain, or would pain come again? Would there be no more darkness, or would night come again? But, tragically, even if we solved all of the world's problems. Today, tomorrow, the old reasons for the present problems would begin eating away at us, and all the issues would return. The old issues would return because what the world does not need is a quick fix to problems. What the world needs is a permanent fix for our hearts and souls from the hand of God delivering His healing Light, the hand of God seeking to touch us with His Love. This hand of God, this hand full of so much love, did come to us, but we nailed this hand to the cross in the most tragic crime we have ever committed.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

✝️ Make Forgiveness A Priority Text Mark 11 Verse 25


☕️Worry Or Faith It’s Your Choice Text Psalm 37 Verses 3 thru 7


Keeping Your Eyes on Christ

When you think your life is over and you think you are going to taste the defeat of death. The Lord will show you a vision of His victory over death so you may reign in victory with Christ forever and ever. When you are downhearted and low in spirit, the Lord will show you a vision of His great ascension so you may be lifted up into the clouds. When you think you have given all there is to give and you think you have nothing left within you. The Lord will show you a vision of His sacrifice for you on the cross. When all things seem to go against you and you have lost hope. The Lord will show you a vision of the stone being rolled back and His emergence from the tomb. When you are lost and alone, the Lord will show you a vision of His outstretched arms waiting to welcome you home so you can see each other face to face.

Friday, May 28, 2021

✝️ The Root Of Bitterness Text Hebrews 12 Verses 14 and 15


Preparing For Tomorrow Text Isaiah 41 Verse 10


The Bible, What Place Does It Have In Your Life?

"Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee."- Psalm 119:11

A home is a good place for the Bible; the hand is a better place. The heart is yet a better place. We must learn to hide God's Word in our hearts. And for it to get in our hearts, we have to read it. We have to study it. How much time are you spending with the Word of God? Do you wonder why you can't live a pure life? Or live in victory? Why you cave in when temptation comes? Why can't you be an overcomer? How much time are you spending daily with the Word of God? Many spend far more time with the television or Facebook than with the Word of God. And then they wonder why they fail. The Bible is the book God has given to help you to live victoriously. Many are just playing at Bible study. You never really get into it. You say, "Oh, the Bible is a wonderful book." What good is that going to do for you? What good are the promises in God's Word unless you appropriate them into your life? Do you have a quiet time, a time when you get alone with God? Do you get up every morning and saturate your soul with the Word of God and bathe your soul in the presence of Jesus? Dedicate yourself to read and study at least one chapter of a book of the Bible Daily! And write some of it on the tablets of your heart.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

✝️ Don’t Play Coverup Text Proverbs 28 Verse 13


Being Separated Text Romans 8 Verses 38 and 39


True Faith Finds Christ

We all have times when we suffer from unbelief. We have times of doubt. God usually is invisible to our eyes, inaudible to our ears, and untouchable with our hands, so times of doubt do visit upon us. When you think you cannot believe in these times, trust a little more in God's power. When you trust a little more, big spiritual things start happening. In times of doubt, yield a little. Yield up your doubt to God because He understands what you are going through and what you need. Sometimes you may think God is not listening. Sometimes you may think He is not accurate. When you doubt, surrender a little of your soul. When you submit, His power of love will fill you with certainty. When you have doubts and think you cannot believe in Him, quiet your mind, sit with God, and tell you what you already know. When the prospects of coming close to God seem remote, try to see the littlest things around you, for His majesty and His love are often seen in the tiny and unseen things of each minute. Lastly, your faith does not have to be very big because even when your faith is only the size of a mustard seed, your faith can move mountains.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Don't Compromise Your Faith


God Wants To Change Your Life

 Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people, in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.

If God took you out of your present circumstances and He gave you a new place to live, He gave you a new job, He gave you a new family, and He gave you a new part of the world in which to walk, you would still be the same old you. You would still see others with the same old eyes, you would still walk in the same old shoes, you would still have the same old mind and old heart you have now. Perhaps for a time, all things would be different for you. However, your world is made up of more than things, people, or places. Your world is also made up of your perceptions, your ideas, your opinions, your knowledge, your attitudes, and especially your past experiences, no matter what your past experiences might have been. The fact is, you can totally change the exterior part of your life, including the people, places, and things, but you would still be the same old you on the inside. God wants to change your life, not by changing the outside conditions of your life, but by changing the inside conditions of your life. Of all the miracles God does globally, changing a person's life on the inside is one of His greatest miracles. No matter who you are or where you are, God can change your inner life this instant, no matter what conditions you must live in or face. God can change your inner life this instant if you return His love for you by accepting Christ into your heart as your Savior and Lord.

Monday, May 24, 2021

When You Don't Need Answers

When you don't need answers because you have genuine faith, you can live totally for God. When you don't need answers because you have true faith, your decisions glorify God. If all the decisions you make are living for Jesus and living totally for him, then making decisions when the tough times roll in isn't as tricky. Every decision we make in tough times and challenging circumstances ought to be totally for Him. If you don't need answers because you have the answer, then any remaining questions you have are questions about what God wants from you and what you want to do for God. When you don't need answers, direction and purpose in life are directed not by the outside world but by God working within your inside world. When you don't need answers, you are following the two great commands that Jesus gives;

1. Love God

2. Love Your Neighbor

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Why I Love to Call Jesus’ Name Text Philippians 2 Vs 9 thru 11


✝️ Forgiveness Can Change Lives Text Luke 7 Verse 47


☕️ There Is A Better Day Coming 1 Peter 1 Verse 3


No Enthusiasm

Life is, for most of us, a series of peaks and valleys. We have times of great enthusiasm and spirit. But, we can also have times of no excitement, even times of depression. When we have times of great enthusiasm, we can stand on the mountaintop, even thinking we are at the top of life itself. However, we are not. When we are in the valley, and we are down, we can think God has abandoned us. However, God never leaves us. When we are on the mountaintop and believe we have the power, God gives us the mountain as He enables us to get to the top. When we are in the valley, God has not abandoned us, for we have either lost Him or abandoned Him. In both cases, we must remember our enthusiasm for life and its opportunities flow into us by how thankful we are for what we have. We must not forget to be grateful in times of plenty or in times of poverty. Our enthusiasm for life is not what we have or do not have. Our enthusiasm for life must remain rooted in the source of all blessings, Christ Jesus hanging from His Cross where He gave all of Himself for each of us.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

✝️ The Joy Of Forgiveness Text Psalm 32 Verses 1 thru 5


☕️ Finding The Right Words Text Psalm 142 Verse 1


When Your Love Grows Cold

As human beings, we go through an enormous variety of emotions. Feelings are part of life’s color; when we don’t feel anything, life can seem flat and drab. As tough as it is to admit, loving our Lord falls in this category. While His love for us is constant and eternal, some days, because we are human and sinful beings, we don’t naturally feel a sense of love overflowing toward Him. So when we find loving our Lord challenging, how can we renew our love for Him? We do this by remembering His suffering for us. I am amazed at how glibly or thoughtless we repeat the words, “Christ died for my sins,” without considering the incredible truth contained therein. When we remember Christ’s anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane, the agony He suffered at the hands of the high priest and Pontius Pilate, the excruciating death He endured on the cross, then love for our Lord and Savior should flood our hearts. Why is the Lord’s Supper so important? It reminds us of His sufferings on our behalf. When we fix our minds on that thought that our Creator died for us, our love for Him will be renewed day by day. Whenever you feel that your love for the Lord has grown cold, climb the mountain of Calvary and breathe in the fresh air from Heaven. Renew of your soul will increase your spiritual vitality.

Friday, May 21, 2021

✝️ Forgiveness Brings Health Text Proverbs 17 Verse 9


☕️Why am I Going Through This III Text James 1 Verse 4 thru 8


Is What You Treasure Is Controlling You?

Matthew 6:20---Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.

Many young people are building their lives on the rock of materialism. I find across the country a deep economic discontent among people in every walk of life. People want more and more things. They forget that we are enjoying the highest standard of living the world has ever known. We still have poverty, and hundreds of agencies are trying to do something about it, but we are dissatisfied. We want more, more, more.  But Jesus said, “You cannot serve God and money.” He said that a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of things he possesses. In his study of power, Adolf Berle points out that riches often make people solitary and lonely and, of course, afraid. Usually, a rich man knows loneliness and fear because when he makes wealth his god instead of God, it leaves him empty.  You see, without God, life loses its zest and purpose and meaning. With God, nothing shall be impossible to you. His invitation is still come unto Me.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

✝️ God Is Unique Text Micah 7 Verses 18 and 19


☕️ Why am I Going Through This II Text James 1 Verse 3


Where The Line Is Drawn

When do we know where and how the line is between being the victims of our sin and being victims of Satan's power? There is no real difference because Satan is working to make us the victim of our sin and make us one of his victims. Of course, we can say we refuse to be a victim but saying is one thing and freeing ourselves from Satan's grip is another.

To free yourself and erase the line, here are the priorities:

1. Christ must be your savior

2. You must receive Him as your savior.

3. Everything you are and everything you own must belong to Him and Him only.

4. You must live for him and not for yourself.

Instead of buying tangible items, some of your money ought to go toward building the kingdom of God. Some of your money should go toward some Christian ministry.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

✝️ Free to Whosoever, Forgiveness Text Romans 4:5


☕️ Why am I Going Through This I Text James 1 Verse 2


Who You Serve

Have you ever tried to burn the candle at both ends? You can get by with it for a while. The trouble comes when the candle begins to burn down to the middle. Eventually, when burning the candle at both ends, you are the one burning instead of the candle. Jesus tells us we cannot serve two masters. He used money as an example because money is a fearsome taskmaster. The love and desire for money have enslaved millions and toppled the lives of people for thousands of years. This verse is about more than how you regard money. This verse is about where you put God in your life and where you put God in your heart. Who do you serve every day? Do you perform your job, your boss, your family, your dreams, your goals, or your ambition to succeed? All of us give service to others or ideas in some fashion. However, the real question is who or what is Number One. Is your daily life dedicated to serving God in all possible ways? If you have made this commitment, then God pours out His form of riches into your heart. With these kinds of means living within you, you are richer than the wealthiest person on earth.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

✝️ Jesus’ Sacrifice Allows Forgiveness 1st John 2 Verses 1 and 2


☕️ Submission and Humility II Text 1st Peter 5 vs 5 thru 7


Wholeness And Healing

The root of the word "heal" means "to make whole." The term "heal" means the wholeness of mind, body, and spirit. No matter our age or condition, we can be whole in heart and whole in mind. Our bodies can age and break down and face diseases, germs, viruses, and environmental factors. Our body can ache in suffering. However, our minds and spirit can consistently achieve wholeness. Achieving wholeness in mind and soul takes work, effort, and commitment. In achieving wholeness, there can be setbacks, but there can also be victories. There can be problems, but there can be solutions. Brokenness is a reality, but so is wholeness. In achieving wholeness, one of our most important challenges is to rest in our quiet moments so we can pray and meditate upon the greatness of God, upon His will for our healing, and upon the healing hands of Christ who will always come to touch our heart, mind, and soul.

Monday, May 17, 2021

✝️ Forgiveness Of Overwhelming Sin Psalm 65 Verse 3


☕️Submission and Humility I Text 1st Peter 5 vs 5 thru 7


Unity Matters

Politicians seem to thrive on division. Income brackets separate communities into one side of the tracks or the other. Even people who share the same beliefs bicker about how to live out those beliefs. Unity may seem far-fetched, but unity is what Jesus prayed for us before going to the cross. More than anything, Jesus’ desire was for the church to be one because their uncommon unity would be a powerful witness to God’s love. In John 17, Jesus prays, “May they come to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me” (John 17:23). With so much division over so many things, Christians’ ability to be unified, even when we’re not the same, is what will set us apart. This kind of unity doesn’t happen naturally. It comes from above. As we experience God’s love for us, it leads us to love other believers with pure, unselfish motives. We stop trying to push ourselves to the top and begin submitting to God and one another. Just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united, we are to be united to bring God glory. Jesus knew He wouldn’t be on Earth forever, and we are His plan to reconcile people with God. But reconciliation has to start with us. When believers live in harmony, people take notice and get a glimpse of Jesus’ love.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

We Are Professional Excuse Makers Text Luke 14 Verses 16 Thru 24


✝️ You Are Not To Bad To Be Forgiven Text Isaiah 55 Verse 7


☕️Calling On God Text Proverbs 2 Verse 6


You Need Faith

You can live without faith. You can do without faith. But can you live without faith? You can sin without faith. You can do anything you want to do without faith. But what is the result of sinning and doing without faith? The result of your life lived without faith is a terrible, emptiness in your heart and soul. A life lived without faith is a winless life. With faith, you can win. Without faith, you are guaranteed to lose. With faith, you can see ahead. Without faith, you are blind, even blind to what is just before you. With faith, you have extra power. Without faith, you lack extra power. With faith, you have a reason to live and grow. Without faith, you have little reason to live and grow. With faith, you have a reason to get up in the morning. Without faith, you dread the hours to come. With faith, you have hope for a better tomorrow. Without faith, your thoughts are steeped in doom and gloom. With faith, you have hope for an eternity full of love, grace, and joy. Without faith, your future is so dark and dim you see no eternity. I don’t know about you but I choose to have FAITH.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

✝️ God Makes The Change Text Romans 5 Vs 8 and 9


☕️ Purification and Sanctification III Text 1st Peter 1 Vs 22 thru 25


Victory Is Not Assured

We all want victory. We all want a guarantee what we do will pay off in the future. We all want to know, at the very least, things will be all right in the future. The reality of our life shows us winning is not assured. In our life on earth, we can and do taste defeat. The causes of our defeats are many just as the causes of our victories are many. Although winning is not assured in every circumstance, we can still win out over whatever adversity or circumstances we face in life. You may lose everything and everyone. However, even in this instance, you can win out by not giving in and not giving up. Our greed, our lust, and our selfishness corrupt our ideas of what it means to win. If we think of winning as winning a prize without much effort on our part, we end up being losers because we have not put forth much effort. Winning in life, even if we have lost everything and everyone, requires effort on our part. Just because you may be in grief over a loss in any area of life, being in grief does not mean your grief will guarantee you a win in the future. You may feel bad about losing. However, feeling bad about losing does not mean you will win in the future or deserve to win in the future. To win out over circumstances requires we continually work toward our goals and objectives. When we defeat the inner opponent within ourselves, we are assured of winning out over every circumstance.

Friday, May 14, 2021

✝️ Forgiving Others Text Mark 11 Verse 25


☕️ Purification and Sanctification II Text 1st Peter 1 Vs 22 thru 25


Trials and Circumstances

Circumstances in our life can bring us intense suffering. However, we can win out over suffering if we give thanks. How can we live in terrible circumstances of suffering and still give thanks? We can all give thanks for the gift of life itself. No matter how difficult our present life might be, we can give thanks for the opportunity to live, breathe, and work for Christ to serve others. The greater our trials, the greater the opportunity we have to achieve His victory. When we give thanks, even giving thanks in the darkest of moments, we have already won the victory. Even when we cannot see past pain's devastation, we can rest in Christ's assurance knowing all things will work out for His glory if we fit our life into His plans. If we believe we have no power over pain, we believe a lie. We have power over every circumstance of suffering when we use our suffering to give thanks for our ability to give to others. Our present difficulties can be overcome when we use our faith to bring Christ into our life by giving thanks in suffering.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

✝️ The Benefits Of Forgiveness Text Proverbs 17 Verse 9


☕️ Purification and Sanctification I Text 1st Peter 1 Vs 22 thru 25


Wisdom and Openness

Some people get wiser as they get older and some people do not. Some children seem to possess incredible wisdom. Some adults possess no more wisdom than a child. Each of us has a chance to open our life, heart, and mind to God. We can all experience the touch of Christ. When we open our lives up to God, profound changes can occur within us at any age. Tragically, some persons wait until the very last days of their life to open up their hearts to God. Most of us are "works in progress" in terms of our accumulation of wisdom. When we think we know everything or when we think we know only some things, we often find we know very little. Perhaps the greatest joy in life is finding out how little we know, how much we can learn, and adopting the attitude to soak up as much wisdom and knowledge as possible as long as we live. An active mind tuned to the wisdom of God can contribute to others in magnificent ways at any stage of life.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Don't Be Foolish Text Luke 12 Verses 16 through 20


✝️ How To Receive God’s Forgiveness Text 1st John 1 Verse 9


☕️Your Thoughts III Text Proverbs 4 Verse 23


Beware Of Those Wearing The Mask

Have you ever heard the term beware of wolves in sheep clothing? Some people who put on a front to make people think they are the finest of Christians and then try to destroy the Church or even others in the Church are no more than wolves in sheep clothing. Notice the words of the Apostle Paul, "Romans 16:17-18 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such services, not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." BEWARE!! Wolves are seeking to devour all they can. Remember Your Victory is found in JESUS! Wolves will eat just about anything, even road-kill meat. It is a way to save energy during the cold winter months. It’s a way to get something for nothing – no work involved. They will look for deer that have been struck by motor vehicles and enjoy a free meal. The same thing with the false Christians; their greed will cause them to collect money any way possible and they will speak falsities and exploit unknowing prey. Greed drives their hearts rather than grace. We are warned that these wolves are not only outside of the church but come from within as well. BEWARE!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

✝️ Forgiveness Text Matthew 6 Verse 12


☕️ Your Thoughts II Text Proverbs 4 Verse 23



Philippians 2:1-2---If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

The words for your life and faith today are love, encouragement, comfort, fellowship, tenderness, and compassion. Strive to be this kind of person with this kind of character. The benefits to you and from God are enormous. Speaking words of love, encouragement, comfort, fellowship, tenderness, and compassion are important. What is more important is being and exuding these words in the way we act and live. When we are these words, Christ is glorified.

Monday, May 10, 2021

✝️ Tasting Glory Text Revelations 21 Verse 4


☕️Your Thoughts I Text Proverbs 4 Verse 23



Each of us wants a written and easy-to-follow winning plan for life. We want every detail written out in plain language. We want winning strategies to help us conquer every foe and smash every obstacle into dust. We want all the winning strategies in an easy-to-access format like an easy-to-follow recipe in a recipe book. God loves the heart of a person who wants to win under His rules and guidelines. If we will be honest, strong, and persevering, we will find these winning written strategies in God's Word. Much of the wisdom contained in the Bible is, for the most part, fairly general. We do not often get as much specific instruction as we might like. However, if we will ask, seek, and knock on the door of the Lord's wisdom by accessing His Word, we will get our winning answers. The Lord will provide us with the wisdom we need. The Lord will provide us with hope to fuel our life. The Lord will give us the power to build winning strategies for Him. These Strategies are given to us in His precious word we choose to read and follow its direction for life or we choose to go our own way. Choose you this day which strategy you will follow.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day Nothing Like A Mother Ephesians 6:1-3


Happy Mother's Day!


✝️ Overflowing Love Text Galatians 5 Vs 22and 23


☕️What Is A Mother Text Ephesians 6 Vs 1 Thru 3



Matthew 5:13---Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

In your daily life, the world swirls in the filth of dirty jokes, pornography, corruption, crime, hatred, bigotry, irreverence, and lawlessness. You are in the middle of all this darkness, struggling to do the right thing. In the middle of all this darkness, you are to be a tiny salt crystal, a tiny light to make the world more bearable, kinder, and more survivable. Salt is used both as a seasoning and as a preservative. Your Christian life and witness add taste to a tasteless world. Your life and witness are the preservatives keeping the world from unraveling and falling apart. Be Christ's salt by giving love, giving understanding, and shining the light of His truth into the hearts of all those you know.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

✝️ Your Love Points People To Christ 1st John 4 Vs 9 thru 12


☕️ Change Can Come It’s up to You III Text Romans 12 Vs 1 and 2


Making A Difference In The Darkness

In your every darkness, there is an opportunity of some kind. In the present darkness of your world exists the opportunity to touch the life and heart of millions of people. People are hurting today. People are searching for hope. In Christ, we have the Great Healer to take away the hurt. In Christ, we have the Hope of the World to supply our hope. In your daily life, you have an opportunity to give others what they desperately want and need. You have the opportunity to give others hope, healing, and love transcending all understanding. You have the opportunity to help heal emotional wounds, to help assuage the broken heart, to soothe the effects of trauma, and to help erase the scars left from a person's past. To do these marvelous and miraculous works, you need no special training or special education of any kind. To do marvelous and miraculous works, give your life to Christ. Let His love flow out from you then over to others. Most importantly, Jesus can heal our emotional hurts and erase the scars from the past when we cannot heal ourselves. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

✝️ Serving Out Of Love Text John 13 vs 3 thru 5 and v34


☕️Change Can Come It’s up to You II 2nd Corinthians 3 Verse 18



Your destiny in life is both more general than being in a specific place at a specific time and also more difficult. It is generally easy to be at a specific address at a specific time. It is a great deal more difficult to fulfill your destiny in spiritual terms. Your destiny from the time you are conceived until you leave your earthly body is to be a child of God. Getting to a specific street address at a specific time may be difficult, but in most cases, getting to the street address is humanly doable. To be a child of God is a great deal more difficult because to be a child of God we must renounce part of our humanity. To be a child of God we must turn away from the part of our life that makes us a sinner and turn to God. It is easier to arrive at your address in a cab than it is to reject our sinful self. It is because our destiny is to reject part of our sinful self and be children of God, that to reach our destiny in life we must kneel at the foot of the cross of Christ. If every human being on earth were to reach their destiny, all human beings on earth would meet at the foot of His cross. His cross is the ultimate address at which we are supposed to arrive. His cross is the ultimate address at which we are to live out our life.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

✝️ Our God Of Compassion Text Lamentations 3 vs 32 and 33


☕️ Change Can Come It’s up to You I 2nd Corinthians 5 Verse 17


Forces For Victory

We can easily live our life with loose ends. We can live our lives as if there is no tomorrow. When we live our life with loose ends, we end up never assessing and using the forces we have at our disposal. If we do not marshal our forces for victory, we can never gather ourselves or get our life together so we can win. To achieve victory in life, you must know your forces. To achieve victory, you must gather your forces together and channel your power. You do not want your forces scattered unless there is an advantage to scattering. You want your forces gathered together so you can maximize their strength. Some of your forces are the minute-by-minute blessings you can count. Every blessing is both a power you can add to your arsenal as well as a message from God about how you are doing in being His child. Your forces are your ability and your willingness to be forgiving to let old hurts die away. Your forces are your abilities to love and accept others, no matter who the others are or where they are.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

When God is Not Needed Text Jeremiah 2 Verses 26 thru 29


✝️ Place Your Hope In God Text Lamentations 3 vs 20 thru 23


☕️ Attitude Or Altitude III Text Romans 12 Verse 3


Satan Wants To Destroy You!

Satan is out to destroy you. Satan does not want to test you to see how strong you are. Satan does not want to test you to make you stronger. Satan wants you dead. Satan wants you dead in the spirit and dead in the body. Yes, suffering and pain are a test, but not a test from God. We can assign many things to God. We can say that God is testing us, but when we say God is testing us, we are referring to the testing that develops endurance and strength. An athlete works out to strengthen the body by continually exercising muscles by applying resistance or force against those muscles. Muscles in the arms grow stronger by using barbells. Wind sprints build up the muscles in the legs, arms, and lungs by the body's pushing against gravity. God does not concoct some kind of scheme to make you weak and see you fail. What God does do is coach you from the sidelines, so to speak, encouraging you to work hard to win the race. What God most wants from you during your times of suffering and trauma is for you to work against your painful circumstances. God wants you to work against the weakening of your faith. God wants you to work against the obstacles of pain put in your path by Satan. In this way, when Satan tries to destroy you, you can turn Satan’s attack against Satan. When Satan attacks you, you must wage a counter-attack. When waging a counter-attack against the pain, suffering, and adversity put upon you, you then glorify God by becoming stronger in your faith.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

✝️ God Really Cares Text Psalm 31 Verse 7


☕️ Attitude Or Altitude II Text Romans 12 Verse 3


You Are Important To God


You Are Important To God

It is easy to think we are not important to God. Each of us is only a speck among the mass of His humanity that populates the earth. We walk upon the earth only a brief time compared to the time the earth has been in existence. However, no matter how small and insignificant we think we are to God, God thinks otherwise. To God, you are so important He was willing to send His only child to die for you. You are so important to God, He will walk with you and look over you all the days of your life. You are so important to God, no matter how far away you walk from God's path, He will always call you back to be His own. You are so important to God, no matter how much you fail to do what God wants you to do, He will always forgive you and call you to be His child. You are so important to God, no matter how lost you might be or how lost you might become in your life, God will always search for you as a parent searches for a lost child. You are so important to God, He will do all of these things for you because He loves you. Remembering you are important to God and remembering God loves you will carry you over every difficult moment you will ever experience. Remembering God loves you will give you the power to overcome all the obstacles of your life. Whatever we think about our life, about others, about ourselves, or God, we must always remember we are important to God and He loves us beyond our ability to comprehend.

Monday, May 3, 2021

✝️ God’s Love Brings Discipline Proverbs 3 Verses 11 and 12


☕️ Attitude Or Altitude I Text Romans 12 Verse 3


You Are Valuable To God

Too often you may look at others to find your value in their eyes. In truth, they cannot know you as Christ knows you. Whenever you are full of doubt, misgivings, and feel inferior, you need to see yourself as Christ sees you. Whenever you feel like you do not count, the Lord will show you how much you do count in His eyes. Whenever you feel like you do not belong, Christ will help you see how much you do belong to Him. Whenever you feel inferior, the Lord will show you how He fully accepts you and loves you. Whenever you feel like you are nothing, the Lord will show you the wonders of His creation. He will help you see how you are His most wondrous creation of all. The Lord will help your spirit rise into His heavenly realms. In this hour, let the joy of your salvation overtake all the sadness and grief you could ever feel. Praise His name for all Christ is, all Christ has done, and for the home Christ has built for you in Heaven above.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Do It Again, Lord Text 2 Chronicles 7 Verse 14


✝️ The Holy Spirit Fills With Love Text Romans 5 Verse 5


☕️ Double The Dose Text 1 Corinthians 13 Verse 8


When You Can't Handle Things Alone

Many times we come to a point in our life when we think we cannot handle things. Often, the tragedy and trauma of life come at us, and our lives seem to have spun out of control. In Jesus and with Him in our life, we can handle or control much more than we ever thought possible. In Jesus, in His earthly life, teachings, and sacrifice, we can see there can be for each of us, a day of power beyond our tragedies and traumas. In Jesus, we can find we can do much more than we ever thought we could do. In Jesus, we can find we have the power we thought we did not have. In Jesus, we have a friend who remains with us forever. In Jesus, there is no illusion, for instead of an illusion, there is only the truth of His love and grace. In the middle of every tragedy and trauma, these words about Jesus being a friend who remains with us forever can ring very hollow. However, if we would just give ourselves a chance to believe in Him and to trust Him, He is always faithful and He is always willing to reveal Himself in amazing ways in our life. In our darkest moments, if we are willing to let down our guard and just try a little bit to see past our pain, we can see Him standing next to us and see indeed He is not far off. As difficult as believing can be, when we are willing to trust God a little bit, God will pour His power down into our hearts. Truly, reaching out to God does not take much on our part. All we need to do is reach out to Him and desire to be with Him.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

✝️ God’s Love Causes Growth Text 2 Corinthians 5 Vs 14 and 15


☕️ The Crown Of God’s Creation Text Psalm 8 Vs 4 and 5


Keeping Your Focus Upon Christ.

Psalms 25:15 My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.

Each of us can think and focus our thinking on given subjects or ideas. As a Christian, one of your obligations to Christ is to hold Him as the centerpiece of your life. Every minute of every day for the rest of your life should be devoted to holding Him as your reason and purpose for living. Christ should be your focus when you wage the many battles of life. He should be your focus when trying to make decisions about your family, your job or career, your friends, your church, or any other matter. Yet, we know, in reality, we are distracted from holding Christ as the center of our life. Millions of thoughts, ideas, images, cares, worries, concerns, fears, anxieties, phobias, and doubts can assail you each day. Despite this attack upon you from outside your will, you can counter the distractions by willfully and purposely spending time in prayer and mediation each day. You can, every hour, pause for just a second to refocus your heart on Him.