Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Choices In Doing And Being

 Deut 30:19---I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Life is filled with choices and we must choose to do the right thing. Many have chosen to be on the road of destruction and death. The Choice is yours to make

●You can choose to act in a fashion either reliable or unreliable

●You can choose to act or react

●You can choose to act in a fashion either grounded or ungrounded

●You can choose to affirm or not affirm

●You can choose to decide or not to decide

●You can choose to manage a crisis or live from one crisis to the next

●You can choose to serve others or seek to have them serve you

●You can choose to submit to a circumstance by choice or submit without a choice

●You can choose to be stable or unstable

●You can choose to be trusting or untrusting

●You can choose to be impenetrable or exposed

●You can choose to be unmoving or moved by consequence

●You can choose to be invincible or totally vulnerable

●You can choose to be unleashed or diminished

●You can choose to be pain free or hurting

●You can choose to be a person whose potential is exposed or whose potential remains unused

●You can choose to be calm and peaceful or filled with anxiety

You can choose Life Forever or Eternal death.

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