Thursday, December 31, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ God Is The Lord, He Is Ever Present


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Valley Of The Shadow


Wednesday Evening Tools To Help Overcome Storms


The Touch Of A Broken Heart

Thinking your broken heart could never be mended is a wrong thought. If you have ever thought it would take the moving of all of heaven and earth to mend your broken heart, you may have been right in human terms. However, the supernatural power of God upon your heart CAN move all of heaven and all of the earth. For the power of God is infinite. The power God has at His disposal to mend your broken heart is infinite. The infinite power of God does not just touch your broken heart. The infinite power of God can change, remake, redo, restore, and redeem your heart. What is impossible for human beings to do, God can do very easily because God has infinite power. For God's infinite power to be made real in your life, you must be willing to be mended by Him. When your heart is willing to be mended by God, then God can move all of heaven and all of the earth if your heart is open and willing for Him to mend you.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ He Calms The Storm


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Test Of A True Friend


God's Surrounding Love

We are often left alone in our life. Many times we are left alone without our consent. Many times we are left alone in life and although we are adults, we are helpless to do anything about being left alone. We are often left exposed in our life. We are often left open to attacks and embarrassments without our consent…often without our causing the attacks and embarrassments. We are often left hurting in our life. Because life is what life is, because of people being who they are, and because of factors beyond our control, we are left hurting without any resources to deal with the hurt. However, the love of God wraps around you. The love of God surrounds you. When all is bleak, the love of God surrounding you this minute brings hope. When all is lost, the love of God surrounds you and brings you home so you can exclaim you have been found. When all is full of pain, the surrounding love of God brings ease and comfort. The surrounding love of God does not just wrap around you, the love of God soaks into you and there is then a new day, a new time, a new promise, and a new vision of what shall be in all of your tomorrows.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Not Forsaken


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ The Storms Of Life


The Sure Defeat Of The Enemy

There is no power greater than the power of God. We all seek power. We seek power over our circumstances. We seek power over our trials. We seek power over the burdens of our life. As we seek power, we often seek power in the wrong places. The ultimate power of life is in Christ Jesus. Every foe and every enemy of your life should be met with Christ's power. For every spiritual foe, you must battle, and for every spiritual enemy, you must confront, call upon The Lord Jesus Christ the one who lives within you. When the power of darkness comes against you, call upon God. When there is an illness, sickness, death, disease, threat, fear, doubt, and insecurity, call upon God. When you call upon God by casting your cares, worries, fears, and all of your life upon Christ…then spiritual enemies are defeated and foes are truly vanquished. Yes, you may have to carry many burdens in your life. However, when you carry these burdens the glory of God will fill you. When the spiritual enemy begins to advance toward you, trust in God to help you. Trusting God is not easy to do. Trusting God is not easy because the spiritual enemy wants you to trust only in yourself. However, no matter how much the spiritual enemy wants you to turn selfish, ask the Lord to help you and He will bring you victory.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Kept By God


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Shining Light Of God


The Size of God

The size of God in your life depends on how honest and truthful you can be with Him and with yourself. When you know there are things within you needing attention yet you ignore these things, then God is diminished within you because you have not permitted Him to work fully and fruitfully within you. The size of God within you is also determined by how much you trust Him. To trust God is a supremely mature act. Most of us want a written statement or a written guarantee things will be alright. We are willing to trust God only if God proves to us we do not need to trust Him. Are we just willing to trust God if we do not need to run any risk? To trust our unseen God who speaks to us only in whispers requires us to put our whole person or whole being into His hands. This is hard to do. Yet we know we can trust Him for we instinctively know He loves us and He will not fail us.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday 12/27/2020 How To Face The New Year Deuteronomy 31:8


Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ God Is Always Present


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Searching For Unconditional Love



A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said. "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like. The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful. But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. The Lord said, "You have seen Hell. They went to the next room and opened the door. It was the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, "I don't understand. “It is simple," said the Lord. "It requires but one skill.  You see they have learned the secret to happiness..... feed one another." Now you’ve seen heaven, go feed my sheep.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ The Lord’s Mercy Is New Every Day


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ The Report Of The Spies



Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned, but overbearing, regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate, teenagers suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they had themselves failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer paracetamol, sun lotion, or plaster to a pupil, but could not inform the parents when a pupil became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, churches became businesses and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home, but the burglar could sue you for assault because you protected yourself and your own. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion, his daughter, Responsibility, and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I'm A Victim. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized that he was gone.

Author Unknown

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas To All From Gordon Avenue Baptist Church


The events leading up to the birth of Christ weren't coincidental but were put in place by God so that the prophecies of old would be fulfilled, in Isaiah 7: 13-14; Isaiah 9: 6-7; Micah 5: 2-5. Everything that happened, from the time the census was ordered to everyone returning to their city to be registered, and then the birth of Jesus while Joseph & Mary were in Bethlehem, was orchestrated by God. Out of Bethlehem, a small town in the City of David, came the Messiah. This event was the beginning of something so incredible. Jesus Christ left His throne in glory and took on the human form just to bring us reconciliation to our Father God. He came into the world, miraculously conceived, and then born as all humans are. He was first a baby, then became a toddler, then grew into a child, and went through adolescence before becoming an adult. He experienced humanity at all levels. He truly can identify with all people at all stages of life. This very first Christmas, God gave the greatest gift ever. His Son! And His Son gave the gift of His life - which was why He came. Because of this, we can have a relationship with God as His children. Through Jesus Christ, we are Sons and Daughters of the Highest God. So this Christmas, bear in mind the 'True' Christmas story, which led to the 'True' Easter story. Let us give thanks and praise to our heavenly Father for these events, which have changed our lives forever. No matter how 'secular' the world is becoming, disregarding the truth of Christmas, let us boldly proclaim the truth about the birth of Jesus as the reason for the season. Let us claim 'CHRISTmas' back!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Encouragement For Today 🎄 Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️


Christmas Is Not a Myth By Billy Graham

 When the fullness of the time was come,…God sent forth . . . his Son . . .Galatians 4:4

Christmas is not a myth, not a tradition, not a dream. It is a glorious reality. It is a time of joy. Bethlehem’s manger crib became the link that bound a lost world to a loving God. From that manger came a Man who not only taught us a new way of life but brought us into a new relationship with our Creator. Christmas means that God is interested in the affairs of people, that God loves us so much that He was willing to give His Son.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Letting Go and Looking Ahead


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Right Power


The Riches Of Christ

As Christians, we too often take our spiritual wealth for granted. As Christians, we hopefully do not walk this earth in spiritual poverty because, in Christ, we are rich. The spiritually poor are all around us. In Christ, we must pray for those who are spiritually poor…those who do not know Him. We must pray for others to become wealthy in their knowledge and wisdom about how much God loves them and cares for them. We can own treasures and lands of the earth but if we do not have the riches of Christ in our heart, we are poor. We can know how people behave and perhaps we may even know how to get others to do our bidding, but if we do not have spiritual knowledge about others in the light of Christ, we are poor. Truly, as a Christian, our knowledge and wisdom about how to live a bountiful and blessed life surpass all the human wisdom we could ever possess if we did not know Him. Our knowledge and wisdom about unconditional love, forgiveness, giving, and compassion make us rich when we deal with and interact with others. Also, our knowledge and wisdom about Christ give us the power to deal with every trial and every adversity. Praise God we can know Him and love Him.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ The Word Became Flesh


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ The Meaning Of Winning


The Presence Of God In A Time Of Trouble

When you are suffering and you are not tended to by a Good Samaritan… When you are suffering and you see no helpers coming to your aid… When you are suffering and you believe God is not ready or does not want to help you… Please read on. In suffering, we cannot see God, but in our suffering, God is like an internal Samaritan helping people of the world. God is deep within you. In our suffering, God is our ultimate helper. When no one else knows or cares, God knows or cares. Your suffering is internal. Your suffering is inside of you. However, in the same place, you find your suffering you also find God. God is internal. God is right there in the middle of your suffering. When you hurt the worst, when you doubt the most, when you have no one to turn to for help, God is at the very center of the burden you carry. Suffering not only cuts us off from God, but suffering also cuts us off from other people. Because suffering cuts us off from God and others, we must all reach out to each other in good times and bad. We must reach out to those people who are suffering. We must reach out because for many people we represent God, we represent Christ, and we are the Samaritans.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope The Power Of Joy and Hope


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ The Problem


The Power Of Surrender

We all want power. We want power because we know, we are powerless. We are powerless over our certain death and powerless over the certain death of others. We are powerless over the earth and the earth's mighty oceans. We are powerless over vast weather systems, earthquakes, and volcanoes. We want the personal power to bolster our sense of pride and ego. We want the Holy Spirit power to make a show for God so others will notice us or to solve our selfish problems. We want healing power to heal ourselves from physical infirmities. We want power over pain so the pain does not impact our lives and we can go on and do our own selfish thing in life. We want power over opponents so they will not bother us or so we can profit from their powerlessness. We all want power. However, power is not the way of God. The way of God is surrender, unselfish sacrifice, humility, and absolute contrition.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Sunday Morning 12/20/2020 This Do To Remember Me 1st Corinthians 11:23-29


Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Crying For Deliverance


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Life Giving Words


The Power of Patience

Picture yourself waiting in a checkout line that hasn’t moved for ten minutes. Many of us would feel frustrated. We live in a generation that expects instant results. Everyone struggles with some degree of impatience. We’re born with this trait—think about a three-month-old who wants milk in the middle of the night. The inborn reaction is to fuss at the first hint of discomfort and to keep at it until the need is met. Patterns from our old “flesh” nature make this a continual battle for most people, but one that is very worthwhile to fight. Let’s consider the biblical definition of patience. It can mean both longsuffering and perseverance, or not giving up and yielding under pressure. In either case, it reveals itself when we are willing to wait without frustration while suffering or experiencing some strong desire. In other words, we accept difficult situations without giving God deadlines. What’s more, patience means accepting what the Lord gives, on His timetable—or what He chooses not to give. This quality results in inner peace and a lack of stress. Meanwhile, we should pray, obey, and persist as we seek God’s direction. The danger of impatience is that we might miss the Lord’s perfect plan and His blessing. Only when we trust our Father’s will and timing can we rest peacefully. What causes you stress? Carefully examine whether you are taking matters into your own hands or releasing the circumstance to almighty God. Seek His way and His timing. Anything else can be destructive.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope For Coming Joy


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ The Power Of God Upon You


The Power Of Facing Reality

When we acknowledge the physical nature of our life then we are not fooling ourselves into thinking we have no problems. When we acknowledge the physical nature of our life then we are also not letting our physical problems overwhelm us. Acknowledgment of your circumstances is not denial. When you acknowledge your circumstances you then cause yourself to recognize the circumstances exist. When you acknowledge an obstacle you face then you take from the obstacle the power of the obstacle to controlling your life. Great obstacles in our life can generate fear within us. The fear generated by obstacles keeps us from believing, hoping, trusting, and seeing a path into our future. Too often, the fear generated by an obstacle keeps us imprisoned in denial because we do not want to face the fear or face the obstacle. However, the fear generated by an obstacle loses its power if you acknowledge the obstacle. When you acknowledge the existence of an obstacle, great power comes to you because you have faced reality. When you face reality and there is an obstacle, you can also find in reality a being much larger and much more powerful than any obstacle. The being much larger than any obstacle, in reality, is the being of love and power we call God.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Matthew 6:19-21


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ The Nourishment Of God


The Meaning Of Seeking

God created us to seek Him. This is a profound idea. Our seeking ability is a profound gift. God put in each of us a heart to seek Him out. God did this so when we want to find Him we can and will find Him. Although we are separated from God because of our sin and because of the separation between our reality and God's Heaven, God still wants us to be with Him in spirit and truth. God placed us upon the earth to seek Him out and do His will. Part of God's will for us is to seek Him and find Him. God did not make us sit idly by and wait for God to appear in front of us like we sit and watch television. God wants us to be active and proactive. One of our basic purposes of life is to seek God. To search for God, to seek Him out, means we are to seek His love and pursue His peace. To seek out God means we request His real presence, solicit His warmth and caring, and ask for Him to come into our hearts and lives. Praise God He put in us a seeking heart. Jeremiah 29:13---And ye shall seek me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Psalm 107:1-2


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ The Magnitude Of Christ’s Love


The Lord’s Way of Hope

The Lord’s way is the way of hope. The Lord’s way of hope produces in our newness of being and power for living. When we walk the narrow path of God’s righteousness by being self-controlled and self-disciplined we have power. Our self-control and self-discipline enable us to possess a newness of being and a power for living. Our self-control and self-discipline is the container in which the Lord’s hope resides. Because God the Father sent Christ Jesus into the world, we have a hope beyond any kind of earthly hope we have ever known. To possess the hope of God, there is a requirement. To possess the hope of God you must, using your self-control and self-discipline, unfailingly and unflinchingly walk God’s narrow path. To possess the hope of God and possess power for living, you must consistently and constantly do the right thing. When we start doing the wrong thing, the power we have for living starts slipping away. The resulting guilt alone renders us hopeless. On a personal level, unless you live a holy, devout, and clean life there is no hope. There is no hope for us in this earthly life except the hope we have for living eternally in Christ.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wednesday Evening Christmas, God’s Gift To Mankind Text—2nd Corinthians 9:15


Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From 1st Corinthians 15 and Romans 15:13


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ The Light Of Hope


The Light / The Darkness

The light of Christ continues to shine in spite of the darkness all around us. It is sad to me that we have such a bright light shining but not many are seeing or even welcoming the shining light of Christ into their lives. When our Lord arrived the first time there was darkness all around and John said in his gospel, "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not"(John 1:5). Many years ago I heard an Evangelist say, "Sin thrills but then when it is finished it kills, Sin fascinates but when it is finished it assassinates." Sin will take you farther than you want to go and keep you there longer than you want to be there. In the end, it is just like the Evangelist said SIN KILLS. The Bible says very clearly, "The wages of sin is death." But understand the light is shining brightly for all to see, don't let the darkness overwhelm the beautiful light of Christ. I write this because I see so much DARKNESS but the LIGHT is shining and America has a choice to make. Joshua said to Israel a long time ago these words, "And if it seems evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

I refuse to allow DARKNESS to defeat me and my family, AS, FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From 2nd Corinthians 9:15


The Importance Of Belief


The Invincible You

We are not invincible. All of us will die. All of us are capable of getting sick. All of us, unless our life is shortened, will get old and feeble. From all human and outward appearances, we are extremely vulnerable. However, in the world and to the world, outward appearances can be deceiving. If we could see your inner world, your soul, or your spirit, we would see you have the capability and the potential to be spiritually invincible. Christ came to give you hope. Your hope cannot be defeated without your consent. If you fully accept Christ as your Savior, your hope in Christ rests in the knowledge you will not only never die, but you will live forever. When your spirit is resting in Christ, you are always capable of good spiritual health. In your spirit, you will never get old. In your spirit, you will be forever young. Although your outward bodily appearance may seem as if you are getting wrinkled and gray, inside your heart, mind, and soul, you need not age. In your spirit, you are invincible if you want to be. In your spirit, you can remain healthy and vibrant. In your spirit, you can maintain an inspired upstanding spiritual posture. In your spirit, you can vigorously run toward Christ's goal of eternal life. No matter what happens on the outside of your life, on the inside of your life, you can be invincible as a true child of God.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Philippians 2:5-10


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ The Guilt Can Be Gone


The Hope of Resurrection, Author: Billy Graham

The resurrection of Christ brings hope. The late Emil Brunner once said, “What oxygen is for the lungs, such is hope for the meaning of human life.” As the human organism is dependent on a supply of oxygen, so humanity is dependent on its supply of hope. Yet today hopelessness and despair are everywhere. Peter, who himself was given to despair during the episode of Calvary, writes in a triumphant note, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again into a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” There is hope that mistakes and sins can be forgiven. There is hope that we can have joy, peace, assurance, and security in the midst of the despair of this age. There is hope that Christ is coming soon—this is what is called in Scripture “the blessed hope.” There is hope that there will come someday a new heaven and a new earth, and that the Kingdom of God will reign and triumph. Our hope is not in our own ability, or in our goodness, or in our physical strength. Our hope is instilled in us by the resurrection of Christ.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Morning 12/13/2020 Getting Ready For Christmas Luke 3:3-6


Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From John 1:9-12


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Glorious Truth


The Handwriting on the Wall

A weary mother returned from the store lugging groceries through the kitchen door. Awaiting her arrival was her eight-year-old son anxious to relate what his younger brother had done. "While I was out playing and Dad was on a call T.J. took his crayons and wrote on the wall! It's on the new paper you just hung in the den I told him you'd be mad at having to do it again." She let out a moan and furrowed her brow "Where is your little brother right now?" She emptied her arms and with a purposeful stride she marched to his closet where he had gone to hide. She called his full name as she entered his room he trembled with fear he knew that meant doom! For the next ten minutes, she ranted and raved about the expensive wallpaper and how she had saved. Lamenting all the work it would take to repair she condemned his actions and total lack of care. The more she scolded, the madder she got then stomped from his room, totally distraught! She headed for the den to confirm her fears when she saw the wall, her eyes flooded with tears. The message she read pierced her soul with a dart it said, "I Love Mommy," surrounded by a heart. Well, the wallpaper remained, just as she found it with an empty picture frame hung to surround it. A reminder to her, and indeed to all Take time to read the handwriting on the wall! - Author Unknown -

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Proverbs 19:21-23


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Grip Of Difficulty


The Pit

Job 33:28---He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.

A man fell into a pit and couldn't get himself out. A subjective person came along and said, "I feel for you down there." An objective person walked by and said, "It's logical that someone would fall there." A Pharisee said, "Only bad people fall into pits." A mathematician calculated how deep the pit was. A news reporter wanted the exclusive story on the pit. A self-pitying person said, "You haven't seen anything until you've seen my pit." A fire-and-brimstone preacher said, "You deserve your pit." A Christian Scientist observed, "The pit is just in your mind." A psychologist noted, "Your mother and father are to blame for your being in that pit." A self-esteem therapist said, "Believe in yourself, and you can get out of that pit." An optimist said, "Things could be worse." A pessimist claimed, "Things will get worse." Jesus, seeing the man, took him by the hand and lifted him out of the pit.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Luke 11:28 and 35


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Fix For Our Troubles


The Fire

An article in National Geographic several years ago provided a penetrating picture of God's wings. After a forest fire in Yellowstone National Park, forest rangers began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno's damage. One ranger found a bird petrified in ashes, perched statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. Somewhat sickened by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a stick. When he struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under their dead mother's wings. The loving mother, keenly aware of impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing that the toxic smoke would rise. She could have flown to safety but had refused to abandon her babies. When the blaze had arrived and the heat had singed her small body, the mother remained steadfast. She had been willing to die so those under the cover of her wings would live. That is just how much God loves you He truly is your shield and buckler,  For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Begotten Son That Whosoever believes should not perish but have everlasting life.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Psalm 34:7-9


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Fear Of Death


The Endless Circle Of God's Eternal Life

You know there will come a time when your life on this earth shall be no more. However, you also know something more. You also know your life will go on into timeless eternity. Your life will go on forever, and ever on the wings of God's love. Christ shall carry you to His sweet Promised Land above the clouds. Because of God's unfailing love for you…Because of Christ's terrible sacrifice for you…Because Christ paid such an uncountable price for your sin…Because you have humbly accepted Christ as your Savior…You know you will never die. You know you will live forever.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020



Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Isaiah 40:28-31


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Beauty Of Your Soul


The Day Of Perfection

We are all living in an imperfect world. Every day we are subjected to the news about how imperfect human beings are doing terrible things. In our spiritual life, we are born with imperfect spirits just as our bodies are born imperfect. However, in our spiritual life, there will come a time when all things are made perfect. Accepting Christ as Savior and Lord change our spiritual life. In our spiritual life, our spirit will sail away from our body and our spirit will become perfect when we see Jesus. In Christ, we shall live forever. Jesus said, “whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” We can thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for our eternal life. Christ died for us so we can be made perfect in Him and through Him. Even now, when we sense and experience the love of Christ, we can get a foretaste of His perfection. We can get a foretaste of the day when we shall be with Him to sing His praises.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Romans 12:10-12


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Battle Within


Taking The High Ground For Victory

In your spiritual war of life, you always want the highest ground. You want the highest ground in your spiritual war because the high ground gives you a view of where the adversary’s location and the adversary’s activities. You want the high ground so the adversary must exert extra effort while walking uphill to defeat you. You want the high ground so when you engage your adversary, your forces have more energy because they are running downhill instead of uphill. The higher the ground you can claim, the better. The steeper the incline to get to your current position, the more secure you will be. When you are on the high ground, build an impenetrable fortress around you. In your spiritual life, the high ground is righteousness or always doing the right thing. The height of your position is how much you love God. Your fortress is made strong by the exercising of your faith. Your power is the power of God in you unleashed by your attitude of never surrendering to the darkness and never surrendering to temptation.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From 1 Timothy 1:15-17


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ Taking Time To Say Thank You


Taking A Break And Resting

Right now, take a little break from life. Stop and rest for just a second. Take a deep breath and sink into the hand of God. While you are resting in His hand, reflect upon how much He loves you. Look around you and you see how you live in a world hurrying up to a heart attack. With God, there is for you, the green and luscious goodness of His love in which He wants you to immerse yourself. In His luscious green goodness, there is nourishment. In His pasture, you find His love, His care, and His compassion. Perhaps today God wants you to stop and rest. Sometimes God even makes things happen so you will rest when you don't want to rest because when you are flat on your back, you are looking up to Him.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Gordon Avenue Baptist Church Adel, Ga. Sunday Morning 12/6---O Come O Come Emmanuel ---Text Isaiah 7:14


Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Hebrews 12:14-15


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ Taking The Hard Way


Striving For Success

Joshua 1:7---Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

A Christian must strive for success in matters both large and small. You should not accept any unsuccessful effort or unsuccessful result from yourself. We all fail, but you must never accept failure as if failure were acceptable. When you fail, glorify God by coming back with a renewed spirit and new determination to be successful. You must never falter in striving to be successful in your walk of faith. If you accept failure as normal, you will fail at being Christ-like. You must not shrug off failed attempts. You must work hard to be successful in your relationship with Christ, with others, and in your daily endeavors. Christ expects you to achieve great things for Him. One of His expectations of you is you should give 110% of all you are and all you have in working towards His destination in your life.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Hebrews 10:22-24


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Starting Over From Where You Are


Showing God's Forgiveness

As we try to comprehend what we did to Christ and what Christ did for us on the Cross, what is most incomprehensible is how He could still love us. What is beyond our understanding in intellectual terms is how Christ forgives us for what we did to Him. If anyone on earth could have a reason to hold a grudge, Christ would be the person to hold the grudge. However, Christ does not hold a grudge or seek revenge. Instead, Christ forgives us and wants us to forgive others. Forgiving others can heal our soul and spirit. Forgiving others can release us from the emotional prison of seeking to get even. The act of forgiveness erases the hurt inflicted upon us. There is no healing energy like forgiveness. There is no energy to restore us to complete lifelike forgiveness. In the future, there will be a day and time when we stand before Christ. When we stand before Christ we will fully understand what we did to Him. When we see Christ in person, we will fully experience His forgiving love. He will ask you if you forgive others as He has forgiven you…and what will your answer be?

Friday, December 4, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Psalm 4:8


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ Serving God Is An Honor


Sending Out God's Healing Force

Matthew 22:37-38---Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

"But what about me? What about my need for healing? Never mind what others need, I want my healing now!" Although we would never say we want to be healed before anyone else gets their healing, some persons have that kind of attitude. If you stood before God, totally immersed in His immense love, and He gave you the choice of receiving healing for yourself or sending out healing to others, what would you choose? Your spiritual life is determined by what you are willing to give rather than what you want to get. Always choose to heal others before you get your healing. Be willing to step aside and let others go before you. All of us will receive our healing. All of us will receive the greatest healing we could ever imagine when we see Christ. Whenever we need healing, let all of us remember Christ's call to put others before ourselves by sending out God's healing force of love.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Isaiah 33:5-6


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Seeking Things Or Seeking Him


Seeing Consequences And Taking Charge

To take charge of adversity you must see the result of what the adversity can do to you. You must see the consequences of the adversity in your life. This ability to see into the future concerning the consequences of adversity will give you the ability to make plans and devise ways of dealing with adversity now as well as into the future. If you do not know what the adversity will do to you in the future, you will not be able to take charge of the adversity. For example, if one does not see into the future and understand how smoking cigarettes can cause cancer, how drunk driving can kill people, and how drug addiction can destroy one's ability to function, then successfully dealing with these issues will likely never happen for the person who is blind to these consequences. We must accept the reality of what adversity can do to us now as well as what the adversity can do to us in the future. To lie to ourselves about what may or may not happen puts us at a disadvantage when we try to take charge. To lie to ourselves cuts us off from the truth.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Ephesians 1:15-19


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Following The Rules For Life



Matthew 12:6--- But I say unto you, That in this place is one greater than the temple.

We all think we see what is going on around us. However, we only see the very surface of things. We only see the very surface of the people we think we know so well. What lies beneath the surface of all things and beneath the surface of all life is power. Beneath the surface of all things and all life is THE power…the power of God. The power of God holds atomic particles in their orbits. God's power holds quarks (subatomic particles) in their place in the sub-atomic world. The glue or cohesive force keeping all things from melting down is the power of God. The power of gravity from the moon causes the tides of the ocean. Yet, the power of keeping the substance of the moon together is the power of God. This same power of God can direct your life if you are willing. What we see in the world is a hard exterior. What is beneath the hard exterior is the soft, kind, gentle, and merciful love of Christ. If we are willing, He will show us His spirit, His love, and His mercy in every part of our life.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Psalm 112:1-3


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Responding To Bad News


Receiving The Spirit, Receiving The Truth

Acts 1:8--- But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

The question about receiving the Holy Spirit is too often asked by some persons who do not want to work too hard to receive the Spirit. Too many people want the easy road to receiving the Spirit. To really have a deep love, care, compassion, and energy of the Holy Spirit alive and living in us requires we work. Some people want to believe the Holy Spirit exists and we do not have to do any asking, seeking, or knocking. This is a passive approach to our faith. This kind of passive, lukewarm, hands-off, "objective thought" regard for God is not what God wants. What God wants are people pounding on His spiritual door seeking His truth. Jesus’ Invitation is still COME.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Matthew 11:28


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Beware Of The Wolf, Religion


Receiving His Treasure

If we do not receive and treasure the love of God, there is in each of us an innate recognition telling us life is hopeless. Many people have a sense of hopelessness about themselves and their life. Most of these people confront their hopelessness in life by running away from the hopelessness. People run away from their hopelessness by trying to drink it away, drug it away, play it away, watch TV it away, or try to escape their hopelessness by any means possible. Tragically, there is no escape. Wonderfully, there is a fix to this problem. For in Christ Jesus, we find the hope of the world, for all people, all the time, for all the generations, for all the multitudes or the past and all the multitudes of the future. In Christ, we find hope for life beyond death and hope in this life in the here and now. In Christ Jesus, there is hope until the very end, and at the very end, we find there is no end but an eternal new beginning.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Christmas, The Coming Of The Everlasting One Text—John 1:1


Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From 1st Peter 1:3-5


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ Releasing God’s Love


Reaching Out

Reaching out to others requires us not to be too comfortable. Today, too many Christians are too often in a spiritual place of not wanting to grow. Too often, we are content with where we are. We are content to put our wants and needs before anyone else. Today, in our faith, perhaps we do not have the passion to grow. Unfortunately, today, in the bone and marrow of our service to Christ, we are content. Unfortunately, today, in our faith, perhaps we feel we are big enough and we don't care to be bigger. Unfortunately, today, we are satisfied. We are happy. We are fat. We are lazy. We are rich. Everything is OK. Nothing is wrong. Unfortunately, today, everything is peachy keen and we have little passion. In the faith, we are too often consumed with ourselves, and with our little problems. For many of us who are capable of reaching out, reaching out is OK. However, reaching out is just too risky, so we don't reach out. In our faith, we want to be kept. We want to be secure. In our faith, we want to be tended to. We do not want to be uncomfortable, uneasy, or nervous. We do not want to take risks. We are like fish in an aquarium, where all of our needs, wants, and desires are met. Paul Harvey noted, "Too many Christians are no longer fishers of men but keepers of the aquarium."

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From John 1:29


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Receiving From Heaven


Quietness for A Troubled Soul

The fear of pain is often worse than the pain itself. The fear of future pain often aggravates the present pain and makes the present pain even worse. Fear makes us tense. Fear disables our immune system. Fear activates our body to run when running may not be necessary. To conquer your fear, place your fear in the palm of God's hand. To conquer your fear, place what makes you afraid in the palm of God's hand. By making these overt acts of placing your pain in God's hands, you begin to take charge of your pain instead of letting your pain take charge of you. To conquer your fear, identify the fear and summon the courage. Learn from your recent minutes in the past you can face your pain. Remember you have faced your pain just a few minutes ago and you are now like you have always been. Because you have faced your pain in the past and remained as you have always been, you can find the courage to face your pain again and again and again without fear.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Isaiah 40:9-11


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Receiving The Peace Of Christ



I asked God to take away my pain. God said, no. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, no. Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary. I asked God to grant me patience. God said, no. Patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned. I asked God to give me happiness. God said, no. I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you. I asked God to spare me pain. God said, no. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me. I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, no. You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, no. I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things. I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as he loves me. God said... Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Hebrews 12:28-29


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Be Content


The Homeless Man

It was a cold winter’s day that Sunday. The parking lot to the church was filling up quickly. I noticed as I got out of my car that fellow church members were whispering among themselves as they walked to the church. As I got closer, I saw a man leaned up against the wall outside the church. He was almost lying down as if he was asleep. He had on a long trench coat that was almost in shreds, and a hat topped his head, pulled down so you could not see his face. He wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too small for his feet, with holes all over them. His toes stuck out. I assumed this man was homeless and asleep, so I walked on by through the doors of the church. We all gathered for fellowship for a few minutes, and someone brought up the man lying outside. People snickered and gossiped, but no one bothered to ask him to come in, including me. A few moments later, the church service began. We all waited for the preacher to take his place and to give us the Word when the doors to the church opened. In came the homeless man walking down the aisle with his head down. People gasped and whispered and made faces. He made his way down the aisle and up onto the pulpit. He took off his hat and coat. My heart sank. There stood our preacher, he was the “homeless man.” No one said a word. The preacher took his Bible and laid it on the stand. “Folks, I don’t think I have to tell you what I am preaching about today.”

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Psalm 106:1


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ The Testimony Of Being Thankful


Putting Our Plans On Hold

We may be confined and imprisoned by the physical limitations and circumstances of our life. However, when we are confined we can always choose the circumstances of our heart, mind, and soul. A man's or a woman's ultimate quest in life should be to rise above their physical limitations and circumstances. Our ultimate quest in our life should be to live as fully as possible despite our circumstances. Each person's ultimate victory in life is to live a full and fruitful life in heart, mind, and soul regardless of physical limitations or circumstances. Some of us may never be able to make the physical limitations and circumstances of our life go away. We may always have to live with these limitations and circumstances. However, when we choose to control and command the circumstances of our heart, mind, and soul, then hope has a chance to flourish. When hope flourishes then our life can flourish…no matter where we are or what the circumstances of our life might be like. Commit your work to the Lord, and your thoughts, your plans will be established. Let Jesus Take the steering wheel of your life.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From 1st Corinthians 2:9


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC✝️ Put On Christ



2 Tim. 4:17---Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.

The Lord has in the past and will deliver us in the future from many dangers. We do not often know what the Lord is doing and when He is doing it. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit dwelling within us is our (often) silent partner. We do not generally receive audible instructions. We do not generally receive faxes, emails, or letters written by God Himself. At the end of our earthly journey, we will find the lion lying down with the lamb. Past heaven's shores, we will find the lion and the lamb romping and playing together and with us. Past this life, where the pain is no more, we will be full of power and strength. Past this life, where the pain is no more, we will live in freedom unknown on earth.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Gordon Avenue Baptist Church Sunday Morning 11/22/20 The Yardstick Of Life Text—Romans 10:11-17


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Protect Your Thinking


Picking Splinters

Before you find fault with someone or before you pick a splinter out of their eye, the first prerequisite would have to be there must be an actual splinter in the eye. In your life, some people are splinter pickers. These people find splinters in the eyes of others even when these other folks don't know there is a splinter in the eye. Splinter pickers are always looking for the fault, the defect, the mishap, the misstep, the minor mistake, and the slip-up. When something like a mistake occurs, the splinter picker is the first person to charge up and tell the person with the splinter. Then, with a pair of big water pump pliers, the poor person gets his or her eye gouged out to get at the splinter. Splinter pickers somehow put themselves above others and feel appointed by someone, normally God, to do the gouge work. They are what others call "Holier than thou" since these splinter pickers have appointed themselves, or feel appointed, to be above the rest of us. More often than not, these splinter pickers find splinters that are not there. Splinter pickers can gouge out the eye, they can split the church, and they can make new Christians fall away. Splinter pickers can destroy the home, make unnecessary waves at the workplace, and cause trouble and dissension when there was no trouble and dissension before the splinter picker goes to work gouging and hurting. Whatever you do, never find fault with anyone, especially a family member.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From John 16:33


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Praise God Even In The Dark Times


People Have Questions

People have questions about God, and questions about what He does. Some of these questions are hard questions. People ask things like, "Where are the answers when I need answers but no answers can be found?" "Where are the answers when I have cancer and I have to decide whether I want surgery or chemotherapy?" "Where are the answers when I am elderly and I am forced into leaving my home and I have to decide whether I will go to a retirement home or move in with my children?" When we need answers, sometimes it seems God is far away. The Psalmist talked about God when it seems God is far away when the Psalmist wrote in Psalms 22:19 "But you, O Lord, be not far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me." Where is the answer when you have to decide whether to put your parent in a nursing home or try to take care of him or her yourself? Where is the answer when you are a single parent and you have to decide whether to put your child in a daycare center or whether to hire a babysitter you barely know? Where is an answer from God and God's guidance for decisions you have to make when all the choices are bad ones? Part of the answer must rest in trust in the Lord and in trusting our ability to be His humble and contrite child. Part of the answer is in our ability to be willing to do only His will and not our own.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From 1st John 5:13-14


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Practice Makes Perfect


A Biblical View Of The End Times Satan’s Superman Part 2 Text Daniel 8:23


Our War In Life

Our war in life is not with the burdens we must bear. Our war in life is with the dark powers that want us to believe we cannot live because of the burdens and obstacles we face each day. The inside of your life is God's domain, His territory, and His kingdom if you give the inside of your life over to Him. It is the inside of your life where the mighty victories of your life are won with His help. You can pray for things to change on the outside of your life. However, God's greatest victory through you is when He and you defeat the influences on the inside of your life…the influences that keep you down, defeated, depressed, and hopeless.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From 1st John 4:7-11


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️


Our Mission

When we fully believe the love of Christ heals all wounds, then our life and our church become an instrument for God and of God. When our life and church become an instrument for God and of God we have a mission for God. Each of us has a part to play in helping people lead better, fuller, more holy, and more devout lives. When we fully believe the gospel, great things start happening. Tragically, we don't have more people in the Christian faith. Even more tragic, we don't each have an individual mission we have accepted from God. In the Southwestern United States, during the region's formative years in the 1800s, a mission was both a building and also a group of missionaries. Can you imagine the impact and excitement a little group of people could have in your city or neighborhood if everyone in the group had the zeal of a missionary? Another definition of the word "mission" is the meaning associated with a course of sermons and services designed to quicken the faith and zeal of Christians or to convert unbelievers. Who gets quickened today? Religious fire and fervor sometimes come out in a church service with a lot of vocalizing of Amen's and hallelujahs. But the fire and fervor of the Christian faith must also come out in what the church does in the world. The evangelical fire that only stays in the church sanctuary does not help the work of God as much as letting the Light of Christ's love burn brightly in the world outside the church walls. Love must be taken to others who are not in church. Our mission should be to let Christ's love burn within us outside the church walls.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From 1st John 2:15-17


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Perfect Healing


Our Greatest Weapon Against Evil

The most important job a communicator of the gospel has is to help the receiver of the communication connect gospel truth to everyday life. In our reality, Satan attacks every person's life. When a person is disconnected from others and disconnected from God, Satan takes advantage of this lack of connection. When people lead disconnected lives, everyday life easily turns into chaos. Connected lives are fruitful lives. Connected persons live life on purpose, for a purpose. Disconnected lives are full of problems. If our heart is connected to Christ, our faith is unshakable. When our connection to Christ via the Holy Spirit is unbreakable, we would forever walk in the glory and grace of his presence. However, our faith is not strong and our connection to Christ is weak. When our faith is weak, our connection to Christ becomes weaker, and we end up in this downward spiral of losing what little faith we possess. For persons who are Christians, Satan tries to attack our connection to God by using adversity, pain, and suffering to weaken our connection to Christ. As Satan attacks, connections begin to fade, and there is backsliding. We must counter-attack Satan with prayer, meditation, humility, and an open heart to Christ's redeeming love. A melted heart kneeling before the Cross is our greatest offense against the evil one.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From 1st John 1:7


Over Committing Yourself


Our Encouraging God

What a mighty God we serve! What a creative Creator we serve! What a utilitarian God we serve! Paul is bound in chains but the very chains that are supposed to keep him quiet and stop a religious revolution are encouraging others. Your chains, your difficulties, your problems, your traumas can be used by God if you let Him. The burdens you bear can be dedicated to God. When you truly turn the chains and burdens put upon you by Satan into a renewed dedication to serving Christ then the incredible will happen.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday Morning 11/15/20 The Most Beautiful Word That Comes From The Mouth Of Christ


Opening Your Heart

You can think or say the words "Lord Jesus, please come into my heart." However, just because you say these words does not mean that you mean them. Too often, people want Christ in their hearts solely for an emotional benefit for themselves. To have His love in you and to sense His presence you must open the door of your heart. Your reason for opening the door of your heart must not be connected to you and what you need. Your reason for opening the door of your heart must be because you have seen the Savior, that you love Him, and that you are willing to surrender all you have and are to Him. You can think or say the words "Lord Jesus, please come into my heart." However, just because you say these words does not mean that you mean them. Too often, people want Christ in their hearts solely for an emotional benefit for themselves. To have His love in you and to sense His presence you must open the door of your heart. Your reason for opening the door of your heart must not be connected to you and what you need. Your reason for opening the door of your heart must be because you have seen the Savior, that you love Him, and that you are willing to surrender all you have and are to Him.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Matthew 4:16


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Our Victory In Jesus


Obstacles And Strength

If you are ten times stronger than the satanic opponent and have the resources to do so, you can surround the opponent. If you are strong enough to obliterate the obstacles put in your path by the opponent without using up your strength or your resources you must do so. Do not use your strength or resources to obliterate obstacles unless you have an advantage greater than the lost strength or the resources you use up. If possible, you must obliterate obstacles on the playing field so you can engage the opponent on a level field of battle, without obstacles, and to your advantage. If possible, always engage the opponent on a field of battle to your advantage and to the opponent's disadvantage.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Isaiah 58:8-9


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope From GABC ✝️ Our Quiet Time With God


Of What Are You Made?

Knowledge is power, especially if the knowledge is about yourself. To achieving success, knowing all about who you are is critical, about what you do, about how you act, and about why you act the way you do. When you know all about yourself, you can then begin to exercise control over who you are. When it comes to knowing yourself, ignorance is not bliss…ignorance is a disaster. So who or what are you? Of what are you made? You are a body with physical needs and drives, but you are more. You are more than just a physical body with needs and drives because you are also emotions, subconscious motives, and a being with an ego. You are also your mind. You are a mental being with rational thoughts and incredible potential. You are also a being with a spirit. You are a spiritual being who can if you want, reach out for the ultimate you can be and reach out to the ultimate of all beings we call God.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Deuteronomy 31:6-8


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope ✝️ From GABC The Most Dangerous Enemy


Obituary of Someone Else

I know that all of you were saddened to learn this week of the death of one of our church's most valuable members Someone Else. Someone's passing created a vacancy that will be difficult to fill. Else has been with us for many years, and for every one of those years, Someone did far more than the normal person's share of the work. Whenever leadership was mentioned, this wonderful person was looked to for inspiration as well as results. Someone Else can work with that group. Whenever there was a job to do, a class to teach, or a meeting to attend, one name was on everyone's lips, "Let Someone Else do it." It was common knowledge that Someone Else was among the largest givers in the church. Whenever there was a financial need, everyone just assumed that Someone Else would make up the difference. Someone Else was a wonderful person, sometimes appearing super-human, but a person can only do so much. Were the truth known, everyone, expected too much of Someone Else? Now Someone Else is gone. We wonder what we are going to do. Someone Else left a wonderful example to follow, but who is going to follow it? Who is going to do the things Someone Else did? Remember, we can't depend on Someone Else anymore.   Author Unknown

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Wednesday Evening 11/11/20 The Five Great Words John 3:1-7


Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Psalm 107:19-22


Coffee And Conversation Rays Of Hope ✝️From GABC Once And For All


Not Getting What We Want

Every person is born with a sinful nature. Also, Satan has the power to make you want or even crave material things. We too often confuse the power of evil or the ways of Satan with our not getting what we want in material things. If you are suffering because you did not get a new material thing, it is not Satan who is making you suffer, it is your greed, avarice, and love for things causing the suffering. If you are suffering because you did not get a new material thing, you are suffering because of your sinful nature. Your sinful nature causing your suffering can be eliminated when you surrender all you are to Christ. Satan does not always have to work to get you down by not giving you material things. You can get yourself down when you do not get what you want. Also, you cannot come against Satan and use God to get your material thing. However, you can break the deadly grip of wanting material things by giving up all you are and giving up all you have to Christ Jesus. When you live totally for Christ, the deadly grip of wanting material things is gone. You are then free. You are then living a life of victory and dominance.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Revelation 21:4


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope ✝️ From GABC No Excuses


No Reasons and No Excuses…

We all have reasons and excuses for why we are not what God wants us to be. However, we must never let any reason or any excuse keep us from being honest…especially honest with ourselves. We all have circumstances that make us think about ourselves. However, no reason or excuse should ever keep us from being caring toward each other. We all have conditions in our life causing others to misunderstand us. However, we have no reason and no excuse for not exerting our hearts and minds to understand who they are and where they are. We all have situations in our life that make us want to give up and give in. However, none of us have any reason or any excuse to give up being the kind of steadfast person God wants us to be. We have no reason and no excuse not to pray for others more than we ever pray for ourselves. We all have experiences in life where people have hurt us and disappointed us. However, we must all be fully committed to being a person who forgives. We must need no reason to forgive, except we are willing to forgive in Christ’s name and love. We all have daily challenges pushing us to lose control of our heart, mind, soul, and behavior. However, as children of God, we have no reason and no excuse why we should ever surrender our self-control. We all have memories about times when we have not been loved like we needed or always wanted. However, we must still be persons of love with no excuses for being otherwise.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Exodus 15:26


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope ✝️ From GABC Never Leaves


Never, Ever, Give Up

To reach any goal you must try again, and again, and again, and you must never give up. To never give up you need power. You can choose an infinite power or you can choose a finite or limited power. In any pursuit in life, you have a choice about which kind of power you use to keep going so you never give up. The limited evil power does not want you to win. The limited evil power wants you to give up. The limited evil power wants you to live in defeat and darkness. The limited evil power wants you to fail and fail miserably. God is the infinite power of the universe. To keep going so you never give up, you need infinite power. God is infinite power. God wants you to never give up so you can claim a resounding victory with Him against the limited evil power.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Nehemiah 10:9-12


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope ✝️ From GABC The Power Of Prayer


New Power

We have power over the air via human flight but terrorists are seeking to destroy the plane and all those who are aboard. We have built our country (the USA) into the most advanced country on earth but hatred against our country runs deep in many places. We have unbelievable technology but are using the technology in unbelievably sinful ways. We have inventions and we have abortions by the millions. We have lifesaving medicine but a world full of vacant and empty souls. We have extended human life and the life being lived is often miserable. We are trying to control the weather and the weather is reacting in violent ways. We have reversed the aging process in experimental animals but we have lost the meaning and purpose of life in humans. We have discovered the kill switch in living cells that tells the cells to die but millions of people live on the edge of starvation. Not only do we have power but we are getting more and more power from new power sources. What will happen now that we have new power?

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wednesday 11/4/2020 Fears Can Be Overcome Psalm 27:1-2


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope ✝️ From GABC The Most Things Worried About Never Happens


Mental Emancipation

The spiritual, emotional, and intellectual environment you create in your life produces within you an attitude yielding fruit in your spirit, heart, and mind. Mental emancipation or mental freedom is your ability to create a free mental life of your very own. We achieve mental emancipation or mental freedom by:

●Developing opportunities within our life leading to personal success

●Answering these questions about the facts of our life and our opinions and beliefs: 1. Do my beliefs square up with the observed facts? 2. Am I operating on successful beliefs or principles? 3. Where have my beliefs taken me on the road to success? 4. What do I believe about work, religion, politics, education, physical life, social life, and economic life?

●To be free you must never, never, let anyone ...nor any organization ever become the criteria of your personal worth! You must be the only person who is to decide your personal worth as a child of your Creator fully loved and fully embraced by Him.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

The word touch means many things and the meanings of touch are all ways Jesus can change you. To touch means to come to Jesus comes to us as we ask Him. Since God knows no time or is timeless, what we ask, when we ask, can be delivered as we ask or at any time in the future…even after we are with God. In faith, all our prayers are answered…in God's way and in His time. In faith, when we ask Jesus to come to us He will come and be with us, perhaps in ways, we do not know about or fully understand. To touch means to reach or reach out to In the life of Christ, we can see Him always reaching out and touching others. For us, He is always reaching out to us to touch us, to help us, to heal us, and to save us. To touch means to compare with: No one compares to Christ, and nothing in your life will ever compare to the love you receive from Him. To touch means to make or draw a line with When Christ is part of your life and you are willing to let Him be part of you, Christ draws a line over which Satan cannot pass to get to you to hurt you or devastate you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Proverbs 4:20-22


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope ✝️ From GABC The Great Destroyer


Love In Times Of Temptation

Christ's love always empowers you to do right, even while your temptation from the evil one tries to weaken you so you will do wrong. Christ's love always shows you the way, even while your temptation from the evil one tries to blind you. Christ's love always brings you to the Light, even while your temptation from the evil one tries to take you into the darkness. Christ's love sends you upward, even while your temptation from the evil one tries to pull you downward. Christ's love brings you hope, even while your temptation from the evil one tries to bring you despair. Christ's love heals you, even while your temptation from the evil one tries to wound you. Christ's love enables you to do more and be more, even while temptation from the evil one tries to disable you. Christ's love brings all the parts of your life and soul together, even while temptation from the evil one tries to separate you. Christ's love flows down and pours over you from above, even while temptation from the evil one tries to destroy you from below. Christ's love remains forever, while your temptation from the evil one disappears into the darkness from which it came.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Encouragement For Today Rays Of Hope ✝️ Hope From Job 11:17-19


Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Rays Of Hope ✝️ From GABC Messages From God’s Touch


Living With Obstacles and Burdens

We may not be able to do anything about some of our obstacles, burdens, or circumstances in life. We may have to just let the obstacle, burden, or circumstance sit in our life. We may just have to let the obstacle, burden, or circumstance be where it is at the moment. We may have to climb over the obstacle, go around it, tunnel under it, and live with the fact the obstacle is always going to be where it is. We may have to learn to live despite the obstacle or burden. In many of the circumstances we cannot change, our greatest victory is learning to live despite the obstacle, burden, or circumstance. As ridiculous as this sounds, if darkness has its way, an inanimate obstacle or a circumstance will get you down, keep you down, and you will not live. It is the will of God that you come back against obstacles, burdens, and circumstances by living fully despite them.