Monday, June 3, 2019

Responding To Bad News

Here is how people respond to bad news…
A. Some people say "Fine" when they hear bad news and they force a grin. However, these people are not fine. These people are the "Smiler's".
B. Other people respond with fear, panic, and emotional hysteria when they hear bad news. Their world comes crashing down. This response is not uncommon. These people are those who wilt.
C. The victorious choice, when we hear the really bad news, is grounded in our commitment to not let the bad news turn us into a victim. There are people who, when they hear the really bad news, by their own decision, turn proactive. Upon hearing bad news, there are people who refuse to be victims because they decide not to be victims. Upon hearing bad news, there are people who make a decision to take charge of their life. Upon hearing bad news, there are people who make a decision to take charge of the experts. Upon hearing bad news, there are people who make a decision to take charge of their plans. Upon hearing bad news, there are people who make a decision to take charge and pursue their objectives. Upon hearing bad news, there are people who make a decision to take charge of every possible moment. These are the people who make a decision to insist upon full information on every issue related to the bad news. These are the people who make a decision to insist upon full participation in every decision made in the future. These are the people who make a decision to use the challenge presented. These people are the "Chargers." These people are the eventual winners when bad things happen.

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