Friday, October 29, 2021

Intuition And Belief In Adversity

Intuition can be a powerful ally in sustaining positive beliefs. Most people intuitively know what is right. Most people intuitively know a positive and hopeful belief is the right belief. However, it is easier to acknowledge the negative and to believe the worst rather than acknowledging the positive and believing in the best. When facing every adversity and when facing every obstacle, you have a choice. You can choose hope and believe in the best or you can choose hopelessness and believe in the worst. Any belief fostering hopelessness has to be eliminated or you face the consequences of making the adversity far worse than the adversity already is. Negative beliefs can be, in themselves, more dangerous and devastating than the adversity or obstacle faced. Because positive belief is such a powerful and overwhelming force, a positive belief certainly can and many times often do become biology within your body and life. If you steep our heart, mind, and soul in negative belief, your negative belief can become a part of your body. If you steep your heart, mind, and soul in positive belief, your positive belief can become a part of your body. Here is an example of belief in action. Experts or doctors play God when they tell you that (a) you only have a certain number of years to live, or (b) you will always have a condition, or (c) there is nothing you can do, or (d) all you can do is live with it. In total truth and in total reality, all the expert or doctor is able to do is give you only a mere opinion about how long you have to live, only a mere opinion about whether you will always have a condition, and only a mere opinion about whether there is anything you can do about a condition. If you believe the negative expert or doctor as if the negative expert or doctor is God, your negative belief directly impacts your life, your body, and your health in a negative and sometimes disastrous way.

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