Thursday, January 9, 2020

Your Destiny In Life

Your destiny in life may not be a specific street address. Your destiny in life may have nothing to do with standing beneath the Eiffel Tower in Paris, standing on top of the Statue of Liberty in New York City, or walking along the top of the Great Wall in China. Your destiny in life may not have anything to do with being in a specific place at a specific time. Your destiny in life is more general than being in a specific place at a specific time and also more difficult. Being at a specific address at a specific time is generally easy. Fulfilling your destiny in spiritual terms is a great deal more difficult. Your destiny from the time you are conceived until you leave your earthly body is to be a child of God. We do not always want to fulfill our earthly destiny because being at your home address is so much easier than being a child of God. To get to a specific street address at a specific time may be difficult, but in most cases, getting to the street address is humanly doable. To be a child of God is a great deal more difficult because to be a child of God we must renounce part of our humanity. To be a child of God we must turn away from the part of our life making us a sinner as we turn to God. Arriving at your home address is much easier than rejecting our sinful self. Our destiny is to reject part of our sinful self and be children of God. As we reach our destiny in life we must kneel at the foot of the cross of Christ. If every human being on earth were to reach their destiny, all human beings on earth would meet at the foot of His cross. His cross is the ultimate address at which we are supposed to arrive. His cross is the ultimate address at which we are to live out our life.

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