Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Worry and False Ideas

If we do not have enough to worry about in the world, we can make up things to worry about. We can cook up false scenarios, we can devise false reasons, and we can imagine all manner of false ideas to add to our present worries. We can invent false ideas over which we have no control and then we can worry about the false ideas we invent. This kind of thinking sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? However, we can and will exhibit ridiculous behaviors to make ourselves unhappy. To combat worry, we must live in and tell the truth. We must live in and tell the truth even when the truth hurts. False ideas or wrong ideas can feed our minds with darkness…the darkness we only imagine to be real. Don't you have enough to worry about without piling false ideas and untrue thoughts upon your heart and soul? To come to grips with what is really in your life, lift needless burdens from your heart and soul by stopping your worry habit over imagined darkness. If you look back, what you worried about in the past either did not come to pass or what you worried about did come to pass but you survived. Even if you do not survive if you have accepted Christ, your ultimate future in Heaven is worry-free.

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