Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Thinking The Worst

You always have a choice about thinking the worst or thinking the best. As an example of thinking the worst, a woman once lived a life where bad times seemed to come to her as if she was a magnet for the worst in life. She continually thought about bad things happening. She continually thought about the worst that could happen and in many instances, the worst did happen. Her mind was working, but her mind was working in the wrong direction. Her mind continually contemplated awful things that could happen in the future. Her kind of thinking about the future in "awful" terms has been termed "awfulizing." This "awfulizing" kind of thinking can and does affect us in body, mind, and spirit. Every day of our life, we contribute to our success and well-being by how we think. In the same way, we can take away from our success or well-being by how we think. When we pray and meditate, as we become more aware of what we think and how we think, we can choose our mental responses. We can choose whether we think the worst or think the best. As we pray and meditate, we can become aware of what is going on within us. Then we can make a response to what is going on within us. In prayer and meditation, we must also become aware of what gives us hope because anything giving us hope gives us life.

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