Saturday, September 12, 2020

Giving Hope...As A Form Of Giving Love

Each of us is called to love others. One of the best ways of showing others we love them is to give them hope for the future. When you give hope as a form of love to others you help others prepare themselves for the future. When you give hope away you help others feel more confident and secure in a world where many people have little confidence and little security. When you give the gift of hope, others can begin to understand how much God loves them and how much He cares for them. It was noted elsewhere, "When you give hope, you give joy to the joyless. When you give hope, you give the laughter to destroy the grip of hopelessness. When you give hope, you show the beauty of giving without the "show" reflecting upon yourself. When you give hope, you show the godly inner glow of humility. When you give hope, you show others another person cares for them and cares about them. When you give hope, others see hope is not so distant a leap to see Christ also loves them and cares about them. When you give hope, you show others there is no end in sight within the heavenly realms of love."

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