Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How Do You Act When Nobody’s Watching

Romans 12:21--- Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
The story is told of a fellow who worked for the shoddy Construction Company.
One day, while building stairs, his boss put hay bales inside the wood forms.
They poured concrete over the hay.
The owners were away and never knew.
Five years later, the hay had rotted, the stairs were hollow, the concrete cracked, and then collapsed, but the contractor had vanished.
The owners got stuck with having to pay for a new set of stairs. The dishonest company got away with it that day.
Eventually, however, their poor reputation drove them out of business.
On the other hand, a newspaper described a Florida man who found $1700 in a purse.
He gave it to the police and refused the reward.
He could have pocketed the cash, and nobody would have known.
Turned out, half the money belonged to a single mom who had saved money for a year to take her son to Disney World.
No money meant no trip.
The other half belonged to the boy’s grandfather, who had pinched dollars from his disability checks to pay off his mechanic so they all could have a car.
The Florida man might have pocketed the cash; instead he said, “It wasn’t mine.”
Integrity is how we act when nobody is watching.
Nothing we do is hidden from God, even when nobody’s watching how we act, God sees and remembers.
Integrity doesn’t cut corners.

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