Sunday, April 28, 2019

Letting God Act When Tribulations Come

Why doesn't God do something when I hurt? Why doesn't He get me out of this mess I am in when I am buried under in trials? Why doesn't He make things better? To find an answer to these questions, God can and will act in your life if you let Him. God can and will act if you will let Him talk to you and teach you. For reasons we do not always understand or know, God chooses most often not to act on external circumstances, but most often chooses to act on our internal circumstances. The kingdom of God is within and within is naturally where He does most of His work. God chooses most often to do His work in us, rather than on the external darkness opponent we face. This does not mean God cannot do anything in the world He wants to do. This does not mean God will not do anything He can do. This does not mean God cannot or will not change your external circumstances. However, let's face the truth. God is more interested in changing you than He is in changing the physical world in which you live. If humankind can make a mess out of the world, then human beings can or should clean their world up. In your days of suffering, God wants you to live, seek, and live through the Light. In your days of suffering, God wants you to stand up as a mature person, to be responsible, to take charge of your life, and to be accountable for your actions. In your darkness and suffering, God wants you to be teachable in your trials so He may act to teach you rather than rescuing you without teaching you.

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